AI tools for writers

58keys William Gallagher
15 May 202417:21

TLDRIn this episode of 58 Keys, William Gallagher discusses the integration of AI tools in the writing process, emphasizing that while the hype around AI is high, it has already been a part of our toolkit for some time. He shares his personal experiences with AI, highlighting three tools that have become essential to his writing business: Whisper Transcription for post-interview transcriptions, Pixel Pro for enhancing image resolution, and Perplexity DoAI for conducting searches. Despite some inaccuracies with Perplexity, Gallagher finds it more useful than Google for certain tasks and anticipates upgrading to its Pro version. He concludes by expressing confidence in AI tools as a future for writers, once the hype settles and practical applications prevail.


  • 😀 The speaker, William Gallagher, suggests hosting live episodes of '58 Keys' once a month to discuss topics related to writing and AI tools.
  • 🤖 The video discusses the integration of AI tools into writing processes, emphasizing that many AI features are already in use without being explicitly recognized as AI.
  • 🎙️ William shares his opinion on AI recording apps for interviews, stating that he prefers to record interviews without AI and transcribe them later with AI tools to ensure accuracy and have a backup.
  • 📝 He mentions using 'whisper memos' and 'whisper transcription' for transcribing interviews, highlighting the importance of keeping the original audio recording.
  • 🖼️ The script touches on the use of AI for image enhancement, specifically mentioning 'pixel Pro' and its super resolution feature to upscale images for modern screens.
  • 🔍 William introduces 'perplexity doai' as an AI tool that has become an integral part of his research process, often replacing traditional Google searches.
  • 📚 He provides examples of how 'perplexity doai' can provide direct answers and summarize information, which can be more efficient than searching through multiple sources.
  • 🤖 The video acknowledges that AI tools like 'perplexity doai' are not perfect and can sometimes provide incorrect or incomplete information.
  • 📱 William mentions the upcoming Apple WWDC event, speculating that it may introduce new AI tools specific to helping users get things done.
  • 💬 The speaker expresses his belief that AI tools are the future and will be beneficial for writers once the hype settles down and practical applications are established.
  • 🚫 Lastly, William states that he would not use AI for writing scripts, valuing the personal touch and effort that a human writer brings to the craft.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the '58 Keys' video series?

    -The main focus of the '58 Keys' video series is to explore AI tools for writers who use Mac, iPhone, and iPad devices.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the future of AI in the field of writing?

    -The speaker believes that once the hype of artificial intelligence is over, we will be left with useful tools and the realization that we've already had them for a long time.

  • Why does the speaker not use AI for transcribing interviews during the actual session?

    -The speaker does not use AI for transcribing interviews during the actual session because it lacks the ability to play back the audio for verification if the transcript is incorrect or unclear.

  • What is the speaker's preferred method for transcribing interviews?

    -The speaker prefers to record the interview using any audio app and then run the recording through an AI app called 'whisper transcription' on a Mac.

  • What feature of iOS automatically labels the speaker's recordings with location names?

    -The feature of iOS that automatically labels the speaker's recordings with location names is not explicitly named, but it is implied to be an AI-driven functionality.

  • How does the speaker use AI to enhance old images for modern use?

    -The speaker uses an AI tool called 'Pixel Pro' and its super resolution feature to make old, small images larger and suitable for today's higher resolution screens.

  • What is 'Perplexity AI' and how does it assist the speaker in their writing?

    -Perplexity AI is a tool that helps the speaker in their writing by providing information and answering questions. It has replaced Google for most of the speaker's searches and offers a summary of information rather than just listing sources.

  • What are some limitations the speaker has experienced with Perplexity AI?

    -The speaker has experienced limitations with Perplexity AI such as providing incorrect information, not being able to handle follow-up questions without restarting, and not being suitable for tasks like writing scripts.

  • How does the speaker feel about the future of AI tools after the hype has settled?

    -The speaker is optimistic about the future of AI tools, believing that once the hype settles and issues like job losses and copyright problems are resolved, AI will provide useful tools for writers.

  • What is the significance of the WWDC event mentioned in the script?

    -The WWDC event, which is Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference, is significant because it is rumored to introduce new AI tools specific to helping users get things done, possibly including an AI feature for Siri.

  • What is the speaker's final recommendation regarding Perplexity AI?

    -Despite acknowledging some failures and limitations, the speaker recommends Perplexity AI as a useful tool that has changed and improved their workflow, and they are considering upgrading to the Pro version.



📅 Live Episodes and AI Integration

William Gallagher introduces the concept of monthly live episodes called '58 Keys' for AI writers. He invites viewers to comment with topics for discussion and expresses his belief that AI tools will become more integrated into writing processes. He mentions that while AI is currently a buzzword, it's already been part of our toolset without us realizing it, such as autocorrect and email categorization. He also highlights that he has recently added a full-on AI tool to his writing business and will share examples of AI's impact on his work.


🎤 AI in Interview Transcription

Gallagher discusses his stance on using AI for transcribing interviews. He emphasizes the importance of keeping the original audio recording as a reference, as AI transcriptions can be inaccurate. He mentions an incident where a colleague's audio recording was crucial in verifying a disputed interview quote. He uses an AI app called Whisper Transcription for post-interview transcription and appreciates its clunky yet effective nature. He also notes the automatic labeling feature of Voice Memos on iOS, which uses AI to identify and label recordings.


🖼️ AI for Image Enhancement and Research

The speaker shares his experience with AI tools in his writing business, such as using pixel Pro's super resolution feature to enhance old images for modern screens. He also talks about using an AI tool called Perplexity to aid in research, comparing it to Google. He provides examples of Perplexity's effectiveness, such as providing public transport details and summarizing information from source websites. However, he also acknowledges Perplexity's limitations and inaccuracies, suggesting a cautious approach to relying solely on AI for research.


🔍 Perplexity's Utility and Future AI Tools

Gallagher reflects on the utility of Perplexity, noting its value in his writing process despite some inaccuracies. He appreciates Perplexity's feature of displaying sources prominently for verification. He speculates on future AI tools, hinting at Apple's rumored AI advancements for Siri. He concludes by reiterating his belief in the value of AI tools for writers once the hype subsides and the technology matures, emphasizing the importance of specific, useful tools over general AI applications.



💡AI tools for writers

AI tools for writers refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist in the writing process. These tools can automate tasks such as grammar correction, suggest improvements in style, or even generate content. In the video, the host discusses how AI tools have become integral to his writing workflow, enhancing productivity and accuracy.

💡58 Keys

58 Keys is the name of the video series and platform where the host, William Gallagher, discusses topics related to writing, particularly for those who use Apple devices like Macs, iPhones, and iPads. The series often explores how technology, including AI, can be leveraged to improve writing.

💡AI transcription

AI transcription is a technology that converts spoken language into written text using artificial intelligence. In the script, the host mentions using AI transcription for converting interview recordings into text, which is a significant time-saver and allows for more accurate quoting.

💡Whisper Memos

Whisper Memos is an app mentioned in the video that provides transcription services. It can transcribe spoken words in real-time, which is useful for writers who need to capture and review spoken content accurately. The host prefers to use this app for transcribing interviews after recording them, ensuring he retains the original audio for verification.

💡Perplexity DoAI

Perplexity DoAI is an AI-powered search engine that the host uses as a primary tool for research and information gathering. It is noted for providing concise and accurate information directly, which can be more efficient than traditional search engines like Google for certain tasks.

💡Pixel Pro

Pixel Pro is an application with a super resolution feature that uses AI to enhance the quality of images. The host uses it to upscale older, lower-resolution images for use in modern, high-resolution contexts, such as articles or web content.

💡AI recording app

An AI recording app is a type of software that uses AI to transcribe audio recordings into text. The host discusses his preference for not using AI during interviews to avoid potential inaccuracies or disputes over what was said, instead opting to transcribe post-interview with the original audio as a reference.

💡Voice Memos

Voice Memos is a standard app on iOS devices that allows users to record audio. The host mentions using Voice Memos to record an interview and how the app's AI automatically labeled the recording with the location, showcasing an unexpected use of AI in a common tool.

💡Public transport

Public transport refers to the system of vehicles, such as buses and trains, that are available for use by the general public. In the script, the host describes using Perplexity DoAI to quickly find detailed information about public transport options near a specific venue, which would typically require more effort using traditional search methods.


Co-Pilot is mentioned in the context of an AI tool that the host is expected to use. Although not detailed in the script, it suggests a collaborative or辅助 (assistant) role of AI in the writing process, possibly aiding in research, drafting, or editing.


WWDC stands for Worldwide Developers Conference, an annual event held by Apple where they announce new software and technologies. The host anticipates that future AI tools will be showcased at WWDC, indicating the ongoing development and integration of AI in writing and productivity applications.


Introduction to the concept of AI tools for writers and the idea of doing live episodes on the topic.

Discussion on the integration of AI in everyday writing tools without explicit labeling as AI.

Author's experience with AI writing tool 'Fullon AI' and its impact on recognizing the use of AI in their writing business.

Opinion on AI transcription apps during interviews and the importance of keeping the original audio recording.

Recommendation of 'whisper memos' for transcribing thoughts and interviews.

Personal preference for transcribing interviews manually using AI after recording with any audio app.

Use of AI for image enhancement and the 'pixel Pro' app's super resolution feature.

Misinterpretation of 'Perplexity' AI tool in searching for an episode of 58 Keys about itself.

Author's reliance on 'Perplexity' for searching information and its comparison with Google.

Examples of 'Perplexity' providing accurate and detailed information not easily found with Google.

The limitations and occasional inaccuracies of 'Perplexity' when searching for specific details.

Author's consideration of upgrading to the Pro version of 'Perplexity' despite its imperfections.

Discussion on the rumored integration of AI tools in future iOS versions by Apple.

Author's stance against using AI for writing scripts due to the importance of a writer's personal touch.

Final thoughts on the future of AI tools for writers and the resolution of AI-related issues.

Closing remarks and thanks for watching the 58 Keys episode.