Extend AI Video/Animation Duration: Create AI Videos with Any Length - Text & Image to Video AI

11 May 202409:26

TLDRThis tutorial introduces a technique to overcome the limitation of short AI-generated videos by extending their duration. It starts with a demonstration of text-to-video and image-to-video processes using AI platforms like Hyper AI. The main trick involves using a video editing application to combine multiple short AI videos into a longer one, effectively bypassing the typical 4-second restriction. The method is showcased with practical examples, and viewers are encouraged to embrace AI for their video production needs.


  • πŸ˜€ AI-powered video creation offers an innovative alternative to traditional production methods.
  • πŸ“ Text-to-video is a process where ideas are typed into a text prompt to generate videos.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Image-to-video is a process where images are uploaded to an AI to animate and bring them to life.
  • πŸš€ Platforms like Hyper AI, Moon Valley Genmo, and Playday are revolutionizing content creation and consumption.
  • 🚫 A common frustration is the limited duration of AI-generated videos, often restricted to 4-8 seconds.
  • 🎬 This tutorial reveals a technique to bypass duration restrictions and create longer, captivating videos.
  • πŸ“š The tutorial demonstrates text-to-video and image-to-video generation using AI called Hyper AI.
  • πŸ•’ The basic video duration setting in Hyper AI ranges from 2 to 4 seconds.
  • πŸ”„ A regenerate button allows for the creation of new videos from the current prompt and settings.
  • πŸ› οΈ To extend video length, use video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or free alternatives.
  • πŸ”— By combining multiple AI-generated videos in a sequence, longer narratives and commercials can be created.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge users face with AI-generated video platforms mentioned in the script?

    -The main challenge users face with AI-generated video platforms is the limited duration of the videos, which is often restricted to just 4, 6, or 8 seconds, hindering storytelling and extended ad campaigns.

  • What is the process known as when you upload images to an AI to animate them?

    -The process of uploading images to an AI to animate them is known as 'image to video'.

  • Which platforms are mentioned in the script as examples of AI-powered video and animation tools?

    -The platforms mentioned in the script as examples of AI-powered video and animation tools include Hyper AI, Moon Valley Genmo, Playday, and Pika Runway.

  • How does the script suggest extending the length of AI-generated videos?

    -The script suggests extending the length of AI-generated videos by using a video editing application to combine multiple short AI-generated videos into a longer one.

  • What is the 'text to video' process as described in the script?

    -The 'text to video' process involves typing ideas into a text prompt format, which the AI then uses to generate a video based on the detailed description provided.

  • How can users set the duration of an AI-generated video on platforms like Hyper AI?

    -Users can set the duration of an AI-generated video on platforms like Hyper AI by choosing a length between 2 and 4 seconds in the duration section of the video creation interface.

  • What is the aspect ratio option provided for video creation on Hyper AI?

    -The aspect ratio option provided for video creation on Hyper AI allows users to choose between vertical and horizontal modes, with a specific selection of 16 to 9 mentioned in the script.

  • How does the 'create and public' option affect the privacy of videos generated with Hyper AI?

    -The 'create and public' option determines whether the videos generated with Hyper AI are public or private, allowing users to toggle this setting according to their preference.

  • What is the 'image to video' process in the context of the script?

    -The 'image to video' process involves uploading an image and typing a prompt that describes how the AI should animate the image, which the AI then uses to generate a video.

  • How does the script describe the process of combining multiple AI-generated videos to create a longer video?

    -The script describes the process as using a video editing application like Adobe Premiere Pro to import and sequence the short AI-generated videos side by side, effectively extending the total video length.

  • What is the significance of the regenerate button in the video generation process on Hyper AI?

    -The regenerate button allows users to generate new videos from the current prompt and settings, providing the ability to create multiple variations of the video.



🎬 Introduction to AI Video Creation

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI-powered video creation as an alternative to traditional production methods. It discusses the ability to transform ideas into videos by using text prompts or uploading images for animation, known as text-to-video and image-to-video respectively. The paragraph highlights platforms like Hyper AI, Moon Valley, Genmo, and Playday as examples of tools that are changing content creation and consumption. However, it also addresses a common issue among users: the limitation in the duration of AI-generated videos, often restricted to short lengths like 4 to 8 seconds, which can be a hindrance for storytelling and extended ad campaigns. The tutorial promises to reveal a technique to overcome these restrictions and create longer, more engaging videos using AI.


πŸ”§ Extending AI-Generated Video Lengths

The second paragraph focuses on a practical solution to extend the duration of AI-generated videos beyond the typical short lengths. It begins by demonstrating the process of creating videos using AI with features like text-to-video and image-to-video, using Hyper AI as an example. The paragraph then introduces a step-by-step method to extend video lengths using video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or free alternatives like CapCut. The technique involves downloading a short AI-generated video, taking a screenshot of its last frame, and using that screenshot to generate a new video of the same length. By combining the original and new videos, the total duration is effectively doubled. The tutorial concludes with instructions on how to export the extended video, emphasizing that this method can be used to create even longer videos, thus unlocking AI's full potential for video production.



πŸ’‘AI-powered video creation

AI-powered video creation refers to the use of artificial intelligence to generate videos automatically. This technology allows users to transform text prompts or images into video content without traditional video production methods. In the video's context, it is the primary method for creating content, as it simplifies the process and makes it more accessible. For example, the script mentions turning ideas 'into videos simply by typing them in a text prompt format', highlighting the ease of use and the innovative approach to video production.

πŸ’‘Text to video

Text to video is a process where AI takes a text prompt provided by a user and generates a video based on the content and context of the text. This concept is central to the video's theme as it showcases one of the primary ways AI is utilized to create video content. The script illustrates this with the phrase 'this is known as text to video', demonstrating how ideas can be quickly turned into visual narratives.

πŸ’‘Image to video

Image to video is another AI-driven process where static images are uploaded and then animated by AI to create dynamic video content. This concept is integral to the video's exploration of AI in video creation, offering an alternative to text-based generation. The script describes this process as 'upload our images to an AI to animate them and bring them to life', emphasizing the transformation of still images into engaging video sequences.

πŸ’‘Hyper AI

Hyper AI is mentioned in the script as one of the platforms that utilize AI for video and animation creation. It represents the type of technology being discussed in the video and serves as an example of the tools available to users for AI-powered video generation. The script refers to it when explaining the process: 'platforms like hyper aai, Moon Valley genmo playday and other AI-powered video and animation tools', indicating its role in the current landscape of content creation.

πŸ’‘Video duration limitations

Video duration limitations refer to the restrictions some AI platforms place on the length of videos they generate, often capping them at a few seconds. This is a key issue addressed in the video, as it hinders storytelling and extended content creation. The script points out this frustration: 'many platforms restrict videos to just four 6, or 8 seconds', indicating a common challenge faced by users of AI video creation tools.

πŸ’‘Seamlessly extending video length

Seamlessly extending video length is the main technique discussed in the video, allowing users to bypass the typical duration restrictions and create longer videos. It is a significant part of the video's message, as it offers a solution to the limitations mentioned earlier. The script introduces this technique with the line 'this method extends your AI generated masterpieces smoothly', suggesting a way to enhance the capabilities of AI video creation.


Commercials, in the context of this video, refer to short advertisements that can be created using AI video generation tools. The script suggests the potential of AI for crafting commercials, indicating a practical application of the technology: 'imagine crafting commercials or weaving intricate narratives all powered by AI'. This highlights the versatility of AI in creating various types of video content.

πŸ’‘Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software mentioned in the script as a tool for extending the length of AI-generated videos. It represents the type of software that can be used in conjunction with AI to achieve the desired video length. The script provides a step-by-step guide on using Premiere Pro to combine shorter AI videos into a longer one, demonstrating its role in post-production.


A screenshot, in this video's context, is a still image captured from the last frame of a video. The script describes using a screenshot as a starting point to generate a new video segment: 'to take a screenshot of the last frame, and input that into the image to video process'. This technique is part of the method for extending video length by creating a continuity between the original and the new AI-generated video.


Exporting, in the context of video editing and AI video creation, refers to the process of saving the final video in a specific format for sharing or further use. The script details the steps for exporting a video using Adobe Premiere Pro: 'to export I click on the export button'. This is the final step in the tutorial for extending AI video duration, completing the process of creating a longer video.


AI-powered video creation offers an effective alternative to traditional production methods.

Text-to-video allows turning ideas into videos by typing them in a text prompt format.

Image-to-video is a process where images are uploaded to an AI to animate and bring them to life.

Platforms like Hyper AI, Moon Valley Genmo, and Playday are revolutionizing content creation and consumption.

Limited duration of AI-generated videos is a common frustration among users.

Many platforms restrict videos to just 4-8 seconds, hindering storytelling and ad campaigns.

This tutorial reveals a technique to bypass restrictions and create longer videos seamlessly.

The method extends AI-generated masterpieces smoothly, unlocking AI's full potential for video productions.

Demonstration of text-to-video and image-to-video generation methods using an AI called Hyper.

Creating a user account and using the website features to start video generation.

Entering a detailed text prompt to generate a better video understanding.

Setting video duration and aspect ratio options in the AI platform.

Creating and public option toggles the privacy of generated videos.

Downloading videos for free and regenerating them with different prompts and settings.

Practical example of the image-to-video process with uploading and animating an image.

Using a video editing application to extend the length of AI-generated videos.

Combining multiple AI-generated videos to create longer narratives or commercials.

Free and unlimited features of Hyper AI at the time of publishing the tutorial.

Final steps include exporting the extended video and sharing the tutorial with others.