How To Make Money With Typing Jobs On Happy Scribe (In 2024)

The Money Guide
28 Feb 202408:19

TLDRThe video discusses the potential for skilled typists to earn money through various typing jobs on Happy Scribe in 2024. It covers the types of jobs available, such as human transcriptionists and subtitlers, and the earning potential in a market increasingly dominated by AI tools. Despite the saturation of the transcription job market, Happy Scribe offers a platform that combines AI with human accuracy, providing opportunities for transcriptionists and subtitlers in various languages. The video also touches on the challenges of establishing a presence in a competitive market and the importance of offering services in less commonly spoken languages to stand out. It advises viewers to approach claims of high earnings with skepticism and provides insight into the application process, including an assessment test. Lastly, it highlights the higher pay rate for subtitlers compared to transcriptionists and encourages viewers to share their thoughts on the future of human transcription services in the face of advancing AI technology.


  • 🔍 **Language Identification**: The title and transcript are in English.
  • 💻 **Opportunity for Skilled Typists**: Happy Scribe offers typing jobs such as transcription and subtitling for skilled typists in 2024.
  • 📈 **Earning Potential**: Skilled typists can earn competitively, with some making up to $45 per hour or $250 per transcription job.
  • 🤖 **AI and Human Collaboration**: Happy Scribe combines AI technology with human accuracy to deliver high-quality transcription services.
  • ⏱️ **Turnaround Time**: Human transcribers are expected to convert audio or video to text within 24 hours for clients requiring near 100% accuracy.
  • 💰 **Payment Rates**: The payment rates vary, with higher rates for subtitling jobs compared to transcription, at €110 per subtitled minute versus 90 cents per transcribed minute.
  • 🌐 **Global Opportunities**: Transcribers can join Happy Scribe from anywhere in the world, although English transcription applications are currently not being accepted.
  • 📝 **Language Skills**: Offering transcription services in less commonly spoken languages can increase job opportunities and reduce competition.
  • 📉 **Market Saturation**: The transcription job market is highly saturated, making it challenging for new freelancers to establish themselves.
  • 🤔 **Future of AI in Transcription**: While AI transcription tools are improving, the demand for human-made transcriptions is not expected to disappear soon, but it may decrease over time.
  • 📋 **Application Process**: Prospective transcribers on Happy Scribe must pass an assessment test to ensure they meet the company's standards for transcription work.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about making money with various typing jobs on Happy Scribe in 2024, focusing on the potential of human transcriptionists in the era of artificial intelligence.

  • What are some of the typing jobs discussed in the video?

    -The video discusses jobs such as human transcriptionist and subtitler, where individuals can offer their services for transcription and subtitling tasks.

  • How does Happy Scribe utilize both AI and human transcribers?

    -Happy Scribe combines the power of AI with the accuracy of human-made transcripts to deliver top-quality transcription services and subtitling services to clients worldwide.

  • What is the advantage of human-made transcripts over AI-generated ones according to the video?

    -Human-made transcripts tend to be more accurate than machine-made ones, which is why some clients prefer them despite the faster turnaround time offered by AI.

  • What is the challenge faced by new freelancers in the transcription industry?

    -The transcription industry is highly saturated with many freelancers, making it challenging for new arrivals to establish their presence and secure jobs on the marketplace.

  • What is the average monthly pay for a human transcriber on Happy Scribe?

    -The average monthly pay for a human transcriber on Happy Scribe is around €450, which is considered decent for part-time or side work.

  • How does the job availability for transcriptionists vary?

    -Job availability for transcriptionists can vary based on factors such as the economy, language, client's budget, and the demand for human-made transcription services in the market.

  • What is the current situation with English transcription on Happy Scribe?

    -At the time of the video, Happy Scribe is not accepting any applications for English transcription, so interested individuals would have to select another language.

  • What is required of applicants before joining Happy Scribe as a transcriber?

    -Applicants are required to pass an assessment test where they proofread a sample transcript and follow Happy Scribe's guidelines for human transcriptionists.

  • How are subtitling jobs different from transcription jobs in terms of payment?

    -Subtitling jobs are paid at a higher rate of €110 per subtitled video minute, compared to 90 cents per transcribed audio minute for human transcriptionists.

  • What is the task of a subtitler on Happy Scribe?

    -A subtitler's task is to proofread and edit AI-generated subtitles, correct any mistakes, and synchronize the subtitles with the audio of the video file provided by the client.

  • What is the potential future impact of AI transcription tools on the demand for human-made transcriptions?

    -While AI transcription tools are becoming more accurate, it is not expected that the demand for human-made transcriptions will drop to zero soon. However, AI technologies are likely to grow as a significant factor in the freelance and transcription industries.



🖋️ Skilled Typing Jobs and Earning Potential on Happy Scribe

The video introduces various typing jobs available on Happy Scribe in 2024, emphasizing the potential for skilled typists to earn money online. It discusses the ongoing relevance of human transcriptionists despite the rise of AI-powered transcription tools. The video outlines the tasks involved in transcription and subtitling, the importance of typing speed and accuracy, and the competitive nature of the transcription job market. It also mentions the support for multiple languages on Happy Scribe and the strategy of offering services in less commonly spoken languages to increase earning opportunities. Lastly, it touches on the challenges of job availability and the impact of AI technologies on the transcription industry.


🌐 Earning Claims and Job Market Realities for Transcribers

This paragraph delves into the earning potential for transcribers on Happy Scribe, cautioning viewers to take high earning claims with a grain of salt. It provides an average monthly pay figure for transcribers and discusses factors influencing job availability, such as economic conditions, language, and client budgets. The paragraph acknowledges the increasing accuracy of AI transcription tools and their potential impact on the demand for human transcription services. It also covers the application process for transcribers on Happy Scribe, including an assessment test and guidelines to follow. Additionally, it explains the role of a subtitler, the process of proofreading and editing AI-generated subtitles, and the higher pay rates for subtitling compared to transcription.



💡Typing Jobs

Typing jobs refer to work that involves typing, such as transcription or translation services. In the context of the video, these jobs are offered on Happy Scribe, where skilled typists can earn money by providing transcription and subtitling services. The video discusses the potential for earning with these jobs in 2024, despite the rise of AI-powered transcription tools.

💡Happy Scribe

Happy Scribe is an online platform that combines AI technology with human transcribers to offer high-quality transcription and subtitling services. The platform allows skilled typists to work as human transcriptionists or subtitlers, providing services to clients worldwide. It is highlighted in the video as a lucrative opportunity for typists in 2024.


A transcriptionist is a professional who converts spoken language into written form. In the video, the role of a human transcriptionist on Happy Scribe is to provide accurate transcriptions of audio or video files, often with a quick turnaround time. The video emphasizes the need for speed and accuracy in this role, given the competition from AI-generated transcripts.

💡AI Tools

AI tools, or artificial intelligence tools, are software applications that use AI to perform tasks. In the context of the video, AI tools are used for automated transcription services, which can quickly convert audio or video into text but may lack the accuracy of human transcriptionists. The video discusses the ongoing relevance of human transcriptionists despite the presence of these AI tools.

💡Freelance Marketplaces

Freelance marketplaces are online platforms where freelancers can offer their services and clients can hire them for specific jobs. Examples mentioned in the video include Appwork and Fiverr. These platforms are where skilled typists can sell their services as transcriptionists or translators, competing with others in a saturated market.


Subtitling refers to the process of adding written text to video content, usually to translate dialogue or provide additional information. In the video, subtitlers on Happy Scribe are responsible for proofreading and editing AI-generated subtitles, ensuring accuracy and synchronizing them with the video's audio. The video notes that subtitlers are paid higher rates than transcriptionists.


Accuracy in the context of the video pertains to the correctness and precision of transcriptions and subtitles. Human-made transcripts are said to be more accurate than those generated by AI, which is why clients may opt for human transcriptionists despite the faster turnaround time offered by AI tools. Accuracy is a key selling point for human transcribers and subtitlers on Happy Scribe.

💡Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is the duration it takes to complete a task, such as transcribing an audio file into text. The video mentions a short turnaround time of 24 hours for human transcriptionists on Happy Scribe, which requires them to be fast and accurate typists. This quick response is a service differentiator from AI tools that offer even quicker, but less accurate, results.

💡Language Support

Language support refers to the range of languages for which a service, like transcription or subtitling, is available. The video discusses the various languages supported by Happy Scribe, including Arabic, Cantonese, Danish, and others. Offering services in less commonly spoken languages can increase a transcriber's chances of getting hired, as competition may be lower.


Competition in the video refers to the rivalry among freelancers offering similar services, such as transcription or subtitling. The market for these services is described as highly saturated, making it challenging for new freelancers to establish themselves. The video suggests that offering services in less common languages can help reduce competition.

💡Assessment Test

An assessment test is a evaluation used to determine a candidate's suitability for a job. Happy Scribe requires applicants to pass an assessment test to ensure they meet the standards for human transcriptionists. The test involves proofreading a sample transcript and following Happy Scribe's guidelines, which helps applicants understand the requirements of the job.


In 2024, skilled typists can earn money through various typing jobs on Happy Scribe.

Happy Scribe offers a combination of AI technology and human accuracy for transcription services.

Human-made transcripts are often more accurate than AI-generated ones, according to some sources.

Freelance transcriptionists can charge up to $45 per hour or $250 per transcription gig.

The transcription industry is highly saturated, making it challenging for new freelancers to establish themselves.

Happy Scribe provides transcription and subtitling services in multiple languages, including Arabic, Cantonese, and Danish.

Transcribers with typing speed and accuracy can benefit from joining Happy Scribe as a human transcriptionist or subtitler.

Happy Scribe's clients can choose between human-made transcripts and automated AI transcription software.

AI-generated transcripts may have an 85% accuracy rate, while human transcribers can achieve near 100% accuracy.

Transcribers need to be fast and accurate typists to meet the 24-hour turnaround time for human transcriptions.

Happy Scribe supports transcription services in various languages, which can increase earning potential for transcribers.

Offering transcription services in less commonly spoken languages can reduce competition and increase hiring chances.

The average monthly pay for human transcribers on Happy Scribe is around €450, but it can vary significantly.

Job availability for transcriptionists may decrease in the future as AI transcription tools become more accurate.

Happy Scribe allows transcribers to join from anywhere in the world, but currently, not accepting English transcription applications.

Applicants for transcription positions at Happy Scribe must pass an assessment test to ensure they are a good fit for the job.

Subtitlers on Happy Scribe are responsible for proofreading and editing AI-generated subtitles, and synchronizing them with the video audio.

Subtitlers are paid higher rates, at €110 per subtitled video minute, compared to human transcriptionists.

Human transcriptionists at Happy Scribe are paid per audio SL video minute, not per minute worked.