How to convert YouTube videos to text | YouTube video to text converter bangla

Tips & Techniques
15 Oct 202307:59

TLDRIn this informative video, the host guides viewers through the process of converting YouTube videos into text. The video begins with a lively introduction and music, setting a positive tone. The presenter then explains how to download subtitles from English videos available on YouTube, India, in various formats such as SRT, BT, TXT, or plain text. The video continues with a step-by-step guide, utilizing Google as a tool to facilitate the download process. The host's clear instructions and the video's upbeat music make the tutorial engaging and accessible, ensuring that users can easily follow along and learn how to convert video content into a text format for better accessibility and understanding.


  • 😀 YouTube ভিডিও থেকে টেক্সট কনভার্ট করার নির্দেশনা দেওয়া হয়েছে।
  • 🔍 ভিডিওটির সাবটাইটেল ব্যবহার করে টেক্সট ডাউনলোড করা যেতে পারে।
  • 📚 SRT ফরম্যাট এবং BT ফরম্যাট থেকে টেক্সট ডাউনলোড করা যেতে পারে।
  • 💻 গুগল কনসোলে ব্যবহার করে ভিডিও থেকে টেক্সট ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে।
  • 🎥 ভিডিওটির সাবটাইটেল দেওয়া হয়েছে ইংরেজি ভাষায়।
  • 📝 টেক্সট ফাইল ফরম্যাটে ভিডিও থেকে ডাউনলোড করা যেতে পারে।
  • 👤 ভিডিওটির জন্য ভিডিওটির সাবটাইটেল দেওয়া হয়েছে ভারতীয় ইংরেজিতে।
  • 🔗 ভিডিও থেকে টেক্সট কনভার্ট করার প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হয়েছে।
  • 👍 সহজ এবং সহজ ব্যবস্থা দিয়ে ভিডিও থেকে টেক্সট কনভার্ট করা যেতে পারে।
  • 📈 ভিডিও থেকে টেক্সট কনভার্শনের প্রক্রিয়া ভিডিওটির সাবটাইটেল ব্যবহার করে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।

Q & A

  • What is the topic of the video?

    -The topic of the video is about converting YouTube videos to text.

  • What language does the video tutorial seem to be in?

    -The video tutorial appears to be in English, but the transcript includes some Bengali (Bangla) words.

  • What formats can you download subtitles for YouTube videos in?

    -Subtitles for YouTube videos can be downloaded in formats such as SRT, BT, TXT, or text.

  • How can you obtain the transcript of a YouTube video?

    -You can use various online tools or software that are designed to convert video content to text format.

  • What is the first step in converting a YouTube video to text?

    -The first step is typically to download the video or obtain its transcript, which can then be converted into a text format.

  • Is there a specific software mentioned in the video for conversion?

    -The transcript does not clearly mention any specific software for the conversion process.

  • What does the acronym 'SRT' stand for?

    -SRT stands for SubRip Text, which is a common format for movie subtitles.

  • Why might someone want to convert a YouTube video to text?

    -Converting a video to text can help with accessibility, searching specific content within the video, or for creating transcripts for educational purposes.

  • How can you ensure the accuracy of the text obtained from a YouTube video?

    -To ensure accuracy, it's important to use reliable conversion tools and manually review and edit the text for any errors or discrepancies.

  • Can you convert any YouTube video to text for free?

    -There are free tools available online that can convert YouTube videos to text, but their accuracy and functionality may vary.

  • What are some potential legal issues with converting YouTube videos to text?

    -It's important to respect copyright laws and only convert videos for which you have the rights or permission to do so.

  • How can you use the converted text from a YouTube video?

    -The converted text can be used for creating closed captions, subtitles, transcribing lectures or speeches, or for content analysis and research.



😀 Introduction and Download Instructions

The first paragraph introduces the video with some background music and a greeting to the audience. It seems to be a tutorial on how to download subtitles for English videos in India, mentioning various formats such as SRT, BT, and TXT. The paragraph suggests the use of Google for the download process, but the text is fragmented and contains some unclear phrases.


😕 Incomplete Download Process

The second paragraph continues the theme of downloading but is incomplete and disjointed. It repeats the word 'download' and includes some musical interjections, indicating that it might be part of a larger explanation or demonstration. However, due to the lack of coherent information, it's difficult to provide a detailed summary of the intended message.




YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of this video, it is the source of the content that the user wants to convert into text. The video discusses a method to convert YouTube videos into a text format, which can be useful for accessibility or transcription purposes.


To convert means to change from one form, type, or state to another. In the video's theme, it refers to the process of turning video content into a textual format. This is significant as it allows the video's audio to be represented in written words, which can be beneficial for various reasons such as searching, quoting, or for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

💡videos to text converter

A videos to text converter is a tool or software that facilitates the transformation of video content into written text. The video's main theme revolves around how to use such a converter, specifically for YouTube videos. This can be particularly useful for creating subtitles, closed captions, or transcripts which are essential for making video content more accessible.


A transcript is a written version of the words that are spoken in a video or audio recording. In the context of this video, the transcript is the end goal of the conversion process. Transcripts are important for providing a textual record of the video content, which can be used for studying, searching, or for those who prefer reading to watching.


Subtitles are a form of captioning that displays text on a video screen to translate or transcribe spoken language. The video discusses downloading subtitles, which can make content more accessible, especially for those who are hard of hearing or for viewers watching in a different language.


To download means to transfer data to a local computer or device from a remote one, such as from the internet. In the script, downloading is a crucial step in the process of obtaining the video's text or subtitle files. It allows users to save the converted text for offline use or further editing.

💡SRT format

SRT is a file format used for subtitling, which includes the text for subtitles, the time codes for when each line of text should appear, and when it should disappear. The video mentions SRT format as one of the possible formats for downloading subtitles, which is important for those looking to add subtitles to their videos.

💡TXT or text

TXT is a widely used file extension for text files, which are simple documents that contain primarily textual data. The term 'text' in this context refers to a plain text format, which is a type of file that can be opened and edited with any text editor. The video suggests that users can download the video's text in either SRT or TXT format, indicating options for the type of text file desired.


Google is a multinational technology company that provides a variety of internet-related services and products. In the video, Google is likely mentioned in the context of using its search engine to find a converter tool or possibly utilizing Google's own services to convert YouTube videos to text.


Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. In the context of the video, converting YouTube videos to text enhances accessibility by making the content more available to individuals who have hearing impairments or those who prefer reading to audio-visual content.


A format in this context refers to the type or structure of a file that determines how information is encoded and how it can be used. The video mentions different formats like SRT and TXT, which are important because they dictate how the text from the video can be utilized, such as for subtitles or as a simple text document.


Welcome back to the channel

Easy guide on how to download subtitles

Download English India subtitles

Available in SRT, BT, and TXT formats

Using Google for downloading

CL mentioned in the process

Downloading steps explained

Music is used as a background element

The video aims to be a helpful resource

Subtitles can be downloaded for various purposes

The process is designed to be user-friendly

Different file formats cater to different needs

The guide is likely to be in a tutorial format

The video is intended for an international audience

Subtitles enhance the viewing experience

The guide may cover technical aspects of downloading

The video provides a solution for language barriers

The content is structured to be easy to follow

The video is likely to include visual aids

The guide is aimed at helping users with accessibility needs