What Your Boss Can TRACK About YOU with Microsoft Teams

Leila Gharani
2 Feb 202106:23

TLDRThe video explores the extent to which a boss can track an employee's activities using Microsoft Teams. It begins by logging into the Microsoft 365 admin center and navigating to the Teams admin center to view the available reports. The video outlines various types of reports, such as apps usage, which shows the types of apps used within Teams but not on a per-user basis. It also covers device usage, Teams usage, and user activity, with the latter providing detailed insights into individual user activities, including messages, replies, meetings, and call history. The video emphasizes that while Teams usage can be tracked by user, other Microsoft 365 services like productivity score are only available at an organizational level. It concludes by suggesting that assigning tasks and objectives, rather than micro-managing, is a more effective approach for remote teams and encourages viewers to explore Microsoft Planner for task management.


  • 🔒 **Admin Center Access**: Your boss can log into the Microsoft 365 admin center to view various reports and analytics about your workday.
  • 📊 **Usage Reports**: Different types of reports are available, such as apps usage, which shows general data on the apps used within Teams, not specific to individual users.
  • 📱 **Device Usage**: Insights into the devices used to access Teams, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc.
  • 💬 **Team Interaction**: Detailed reports on team interactions, including messages, replies, urgent messages, reactions, mentions, and meetings.
  • 👤 **Individual Activity**: By clicking on a team member, you can view their specific activity within a team, including meetings and calls.
  • 📞 **Call History**: Access to call history, including duration, participants, and technical details like device information and IP addresses.
  • 📈 **User Activity**: An overview of user activity in Teams, including the number of messages sent, calls, audio and video time, and screen sharing.
  • 📅 **Last Activity Date**: Information on the date of the last activity by a user, without a specific timestamp.
  • 🚫 **Limited Individual Insights**: While Teams usage is tracked by user, other apps within Microsoft 365 provide insights at an organizational level, not by individual user.
  • 📝 **Productivity Score**: There's a productivity score available at the organizational level, but it does not provide individual user scores.
  • 📊 **Service Usage**: Reports show how Microsoft 365 services are used by the business, including the number of active users and their last activities across different services.
  • 📈 **Planner for Task Management**: It's suggested to use tools like Planner for assigning tasks and objectives rather than micro-managing and tracking hours.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of the video script?

    -The video script focuses on explaining what kind of information a boss or an admin can track about employees' activities using Microsoft Teams.

  • How does the Microsoft 365 admin center provide insights into user activities?

    -The Microsoft 365 admin center provides insights into user activities through various reports such as apps usage, calling plans, device usage, Teams usage, and user activity.

  • What kind of information can be extracted from the Teams admin center?

    -The Teams admin center allows admins to extract information about the types of apps used within Teams, the number of active users for each app, the type of devices used to access Teams, and detailed user activities within Teams.

  • What details can be found when looking at a specific member's activity in Teams?

    -When looking at a specific member's activity, one can find out the number of meetings and calls they were in, the duration of the calls, participants in the calls, and technical details like the devices used and IP addresses.

  • How does the Teams user activity report differ from the general report?

    -The Teams user activity report provides an overview of individual users' activities in Teams, including the number of channel messages, reply messages, post messages, chat messages, total meetings, audio and video time, screen sharing time, and their last activity date.

  • What is the purpose of the productivity score in the Microsoft 365 admin center?

    -The productivity score in the Microsoft 365 admin center is used to compare an organization's performance to a peer benchmark on an organizational level, providing scores in different categories.

  • Can the admin center provide information at an individual user level?

    -While most of the information is available on an organizational level, the admin center can provide some user-level details such as the last activities for certain services like email, OneDrive, SharePoint, Skype, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams.

  • What is the video's recommendation for managing remote teams?

    -The video recommends assigning tasks and objectives using tools like Planner instead of micro-managing and tracking every hour of an employee's workday.

  • What is the video's stance on tracking employees' every move?

    -The video suggests that while it is possible to track various aspects of employees' activities, it is more beneficial to focus on task assignments and objectives rather than closely monitoring every detail of their work.

  • How can viewers find out more about Microsoft Planner?

    -Viewers can find out more about Microsoft Planner by watching a dedicated video that provides a complete introduction to the tool.

  • What is the call to action for viewers of the video?

    -The call to action is to hit the thumbs up button if the video was found useful, and to subscribe to the channel if they haven't already done so.

  • What type of music is used in the video?

    -The video uses upbeat music to maintain an engaging and positive tone throughout.



🔍 Microsoft Teams Admin Center Overview

This paragraph provides an overview of the Microsoft Teams admin center, detailing the types of information that an admin can access. It explains how to navigate to the Teams admin center and the various reports available, such as apps usage, calling plans, device usage, and Teams usage. The summary also covers how to view individual user activities within Teams, including meetings, calls, and messages. It emphasizes that while there is a lot of data available, it is not always on an individual user level but often general or organizational.


📊 Microsoft 365 Admin Center Reports and User Activity Insights

The second paragraph delves into the Microsoft 365 admin center, focusing on productivity score and usage reports. It clarifies that productivity scores are provided at an organizational level, not for individual users. The summary explains that admins can see how Microsoft 365 services are utilized within the business, including the number of active users and their activities across different services like email, OneDrive, SharePoint, Skype, Yammer, and Teams. It also discusses the importance of assigning tasks and objectives using tools like Planner, rather than micro-managing and tracking every minute of an employee's workday. The paragraph concludes with a recommendation to subscribe to the channel for more informative content.



💡Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. It is widely used for collaboration and communication in remote work settings. In the video, it is the central focus as the host explores what an admin can track about users' activities within the platform.

💡Microsoft 365 admin center

The Microsoft 365 admin center is a web-based portal that allows administrators to manage their organization's Microsoft 365 services. It provides access to various settings and reports, which are crucial for overseeing and managing the organization's use of Microsoft's tools. In the video, the host logs into this center to demonstrate the types of information available to administrators.

💡Analytics and reports

Analytics and reports refer to the data and insights that organizations can gather and analyze to understand usage patterns, performance, and other key metrics. In the context of the video, these reports help admins see how Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft 365 services are being used within their organization.

💡Apps usage

Apps usage pertains to how and how often various applications within Microsoft Teams are utilized by the users. The video script mentions that admins can view reports on the different types of apps used, which can include both Microsoft and third-party apps, to assess productivity and collaboration.

💡Teams device usage

This refers to the different types of devices that users employ to access Microsoft Teams, such as Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. The script explains that admins can see which devices are being used, which can be important for understanding the diversity of the user base and for ensuring compatibility and support.

💡Teams usage

Teams usage covers the extent to which Microsoft Teams is being used within an organization. The video discusses how admins can view the number of messages, replies, urgent messages, reactions, mentions, and meetings organized within Teams, providing a comprehensive overview of engagement levels.

💡Call history

Call history is the record of all the calls made or received within Microsoft Teams. It includes details such as call duration, participants, and technical information about the devices and IP addresses used. In the video, the host demonstrates how admins can access this information to monitor communication activities.

💡User activity

User activity refers to the actions performed by individual users within Microsoft Teams. The video explains that admins can get a detailed report on each user's activity, including the number of messages sent, calls made, and screen sharing time, offering insights into individual contributions and engagement.

💡Productivity score

The productivity score is a metric used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's use of Microsoft 365 services. The video clarifies that this score is provided at the organizational level, not for individual users, and is used to compare the organization's performance against industry benchmarks.

💡Microsoft 365 services

Microsoft 365 services encompass a range of productivity and collaboration tools provided by Microsoft, including email, file storage, and communication platforms. The script mentions that admins can view reports on how these services are used across the organization, which is vital for understanding overall productivity and service adoption.


Planner is a task management tool within the Microsoft 365 suite that helps teams organize tasks, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities. The video suggests using Planner as a better alternative to micro-managing and tracking working hours, promoting a more efficient and less intrusive approach to team management.


Microsoft Teams allows bosses to track various aspects of your workday, including time spent working.

Admins can access detailed reports through the Microsoft 365 admin center and the dedicated Teams admin center.

Reports show general app usage, such as the types of apps used within Teams over the last 30 days.

Admins can see the number of active users for each app, but not specific user identities.

If calling plans are in place, admins can track call minutes, costs, and device usage for Teams.

Teams usage reports provide insights into message posting, replies, urgent messages, reactions, mentions, and meetings within Teams.

By clicking on a specific Team, admins can view member activities, including meetings and calls.

Call history reports show the duration of calls, participants, and technical details like device information and IP addresses.

User activity reports in Teams display individual user activities, such as channel messages, replies, posts, chats, and meeting participation.

The last activity date for each user in Teams is available, but not a specific timestamp.

While Teams-specific information is available, other apps within Microsoft 365 provide more general organizational-level data.

Productivity Score in Microsoft 365 is available only at the organizational level, not for individual users.

Usage reports in Microsoft 365 show how services are used by active users, but do not identify specific users.

Admins can view the last activities for certain services, such as email, OneDrive, SharePoint, Skype, and Yammer, on a user level.

Assigning tasks and objectives, like using Planner, is recommended over micro-managing and tracking hours for remote teams.

For more information on Planner, there is a dedicated video introduction available.

The video encourages viewers to engage by liking and subscribing for more content.