How to Script a YouTube Video to Get More Views

Think Media
18 Dec 202308:10

TLDRThis video provides a detailed framework for scripting YouTube videos to maximize views. It emphasizes the importance of a strong hook, which includes delivering on viewer expectations set by the title and thumbnail, utilizing authority, addressing core desires, and teasing upcoming content. The script should stay on topic, avoid unnecessary details, and be structured for easy follow-up. The ultimate goal is to transition viewers to another video, potentially doubling views, a technique explored in depth in a separate video.


  • 🎬 **Use a Hook**: The first moments of your video are critical. It should deliver on the title and thumbnail to keep viewers engaged.
  • 📈 **Showcase Authority**: Establish trust by sharing personal experiences or using case studies to demonstrate your expertise.
  • 🤩 **Tap into Core Desires**: Address the underlying motivations of viewers, such as growing their channel or making money.
  • 🎥 **Tease Content**: Give viewers a glimpse of what's to come in your video to encourage them to watch to the end.
  • 🍖 **Show, Don't Tell**: Visually demonstrate the end product or key points early in the video to hook viewers in.
  • 📝 **Scripting Techniques**: Use bullet points for content or write word for word for precise delivery, depending on the video's style.
  • 📋 **Stick to the Topic**: Keep the video focused on the viewer's expectations set by the title and thumbnail.
  • ⏱️ **Avoid Filler**: Cut out unnecessary content to deliver valuable information efficiently and avoid losing viewer interest.
  • 📊 **Structure Content**: Break down the video into sections or bullet points for easy navigation and understanding.
  • 🔄 **Use Transitions**: Effectively transition from one point to the next to keep the flow and maintain viewer interest.
  • 📺 **End Screen Strategy**: Utilize end screen cards to encourage viewers to watch another video, potentially doubling your views.
  • 💡 **Lighting Matters**: High-quality lighting can significantly improve the production value of your videos.

Q & A

  • What is the importance of the hook in a YouTube video script?

    -The hook is the opening moments of your video and is crucial as it is the first thing a viewer sees. It sets the expectation and is where most viewers decide whether to stay or leave, with up to 30-40% leaving within the first 30 seconds if the intro does not deliver on the title and thumbnail.

  • How can showcasing personal experience in the video script build trust with the viewer?

    -Utilizing authority by showcasing personal experience builds trust with the viewer because it establishes the speaker's credibility and expertise on the topic, making viewers more likely to listen and stay engaged with the content.

  • Why is it essential to address the core desires of the viewers in the video script?

    -Addressing the core desires, such as growing a channel, getting views, subscribers, and making money, helps to connect with the viewers on a deeper level. It shows that the script is tailored to meet their needs and increases the likelihood of them staying to watch the entire video.

  • What is the purpose of teasing what's coming up later in the video?

    -Teasing what's coming up later in the video serves as a compelling reason for viewers to continue watching. It creates anticipation and curiosity, ensuring that viewers stay until the end to see the promised content.

  • Why is it a mistake to only tell and not show in the video script?

    -Only telling without showing can be less engaging for viewers. Visually showing the finished product or key moments can make the content more appealing and increase the likelihood of viewers sticking around to watch the entire video.

  • What are the two different ways to script the content of a YouTube video?

    -The two ways to script content are writing it out in bullet point form or word for word. Bullet points allow for improvisation during filming, while scripting word for word ensures precision and a polished delivery.

  • Why is it recommended to stick to the topic when scripting a YouTube video?

    -Staying on topic prevents the video from becoming disjointed and irrelevant to the viewer's expectations. It ensures that the content remains focused and valuable to the viewer, increasing the chances of retention and satisfaction.

  • How can eliminating fluff from the script improve the video's effectiveness?

    -Eliminating fluff and focusing on the most important information makes the video more concise and valuable. This approach respects the viewer's time and increases the likelihood of them watching longer and engaging more deeply with the content.

  • What is the significance of making the video easy to follow?

    -Making the video easy to follow by breaking it up into sections or bullet points helps the viewer to understand the structure and anticipate what's coming next. This clarity can motivate them to continue watching to the end.

  • How can utilizing an end screen card help to double the views on a YouTube video?

    -An end screen card can encourage viewers to transition from watching one video to another, effectively doubling the views. It provides a clear and engaging way for viewers to continue their engagement with the channel's content.



🎬 Scripting for YouTube Success

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on scripting YouTube videos to increase views. The speaker shares their personal experience of achieving over 50 million views using a specific scripting framework. The framework consists of a hook, content, and a transition. The hook is crucial as it is the video's introduction and can significantly influence viewer retention. The speaker emphasizes the importance of delivering on the video's title and thumbnail within the first 30 seconds to avoid high initial drop-off rates. They also discuss the use of authority, core desires, and teases to keep viewers engaged. A common mistake of only telling without showing is pointed out, advocating for visual elements to accompany the introduction. The paragraph concludes with a sponsorship message for GVM lighting solutions.


📝 Crafting the Content and Transition

The second paragraph delves into the process of writing the video's content after the hook. The speaker suggests two methods: bullet point form for a more improvised delivery or word-for-word scripting for precision. They advise sticking to the topic, avoiding unnecessary details to prevent wasting the viewer's time, and ensuring the content is easy to follow by breaking it into sections or bullet points. The paragraph also highlights the importance of the transition phase, which aims to lead viewers from the current video to another, thereby increasing views. However, the speaker acknowledges the challenge in executing this effectively and references another video that provides a detailed guide on implementing transitions in scripts. The paragraph ends with an invitation to watch the next video for more insights.




Scripting refers to the process of writing out the content and dialogue for a video. In the context of the video, scripting is crucial for structuring the message and ensuring that the video delivers value to the viewer. The script is the backbone of the video, guiding the creator on what to say and do to keep the audience engaged. The video emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted script to increase views on YouTube.


A hook in video scripting is the initial segment designed to capture the viewer's attention and encourage them to continue watching. The video mentions that the hook consists of two parts: the very first moment of the video, which is critical for retaining viewers, and the second part, which builds on the initial interest. The hook should align with the video's title and thumbnail to meet viewer expectations, as exemplified by the video's opening line about scripting for more views.


Retention in the context of YouTube videos refers to the ability to keep viewers watching until the end of the video. High retention rates indicate that the content is engaging and valuable to the audience. The video suggests that a strong hook, relevant content, and avoiding unnecessary tangents can significantly improve retention, which in turn can boost the video's performance on the platform.


Authority in video content is the perceived expertise or credibility of the creator on the subject matter. By showcasing personal experience or case studies, as mentioned in the video, creators can establish authority and build trust with their audience. This trust can motivate viewers to continue watching and engage with the content, as they believe the creator has valuable insights to share.

💡Core Desire

A core desire is a fundamental motivation or goal that viewers have, which the video aims to address. In the script, the core desire of growing a channel, getting views, subscribers, and making money is highlighted. The video suggests that by connecting the content to these core desires, creators can make their videos more appealing and relevant to their audience.


Teasing in video scripting involves giving the audience a preview of what's to come later in the video. This technique, as described in the video with the example of Mark Rober's video, creates anticipation and encourages viewers to stay until the end to see the full content. Teasing is a powerful tool for maintaining viewer interest and increasing watch time.

💡Show, Don't Tell

The phrase 'show, don't tell' is a common advice in storytelling and video scripting, urging creators to demonstrate concepts visually rather than just describing them. In the script, this concept is applied by suggesting that creators should visually present the end result or key moments early in the video, such as showing the finished product in a cooking video, to entice viewers to stay.


Content in the context of video scripting refers to the main substance or information that the video delivers to the audience. The video emphasizes the importance of staying on topic, avoiding unnecessary details, and providing valuable information that directly addresses the viewer's interests. Well-structured content helps in keeping the viewers engaged and contributes to higher retention rates.

💡Bullet Points

Bullet points are a method of organizing content in a clear and concise manner, often used in video scripting to outline key points or steps. The video suggests using bullet points as a way to structure the content, making it easier for viewers to follow and understand. This method helps in delivering the message efficiently without getting off track.


A transition in video scripting is a technique used to guide viewers from the current video to another related video, often through the use of end screen cards. The video discusses the importance of effective transitions for increasing views, as they encourage viewers to continue watching more content, thus doubling the potential views.


The video provides a scripting framework to increase YouTube views, with the creator having over 50 million views.

The importance of a strong hook in the video's opening moments is emphasized, as it can significantly affect viewer retention.

The hook is divided into two parts: the first impression and the delivery on the title and thumbnail.

Viewer statistics from YouTube Studio show that 30-40% of viewers make a decision to leave within the first 30 seconds.

The video's opening line should align with the title and thumbnail to set the right expectation for the viewer.

Utilizing authority by showcasing personal experience can build trust with the viewer.

Core desires such as growing a channel, getting views, and making money should be addressed to engage the audience.

Teasing what's coming up later in the video can keep viewers engaged until the end.

Visually showing the end result or process early in the video can encourage viewers to watch further.

A common mistake is telling without showing; for example, showing the finished dish in a cooking video.

The video content should flow seamlessly from the hook to avoid disjointed segments.

Writing out the script in bullet points or word for word helps to stay on topic and avoid rambling.

Removing unnecessary fluff from the script ensures that the video is concise and informative.

Breaking up the video into sections or bullet points makes it easier for viewers to follow.

Using an end screen card for transitioning to another video can potentially double views.

The transition method is crucial for increasing views but requires careful implementation.

Lighting is a key factor in the production quality of YouTube videos, with recommendations provided for affordable yet high-quality lighting options.

Experimenting with both bullet points and word-for-word scripting can help find the best approach for different types of content.