How to get the transcript of a YouTube video

Python 360
15 Jul 202119:29

TLDRThe video script provides a detailed tutorial on how to programmatically extract transcripts from YouTube videos using Python. It covers identifying the video ID from the URL, installing necessary packages like 'youtube-dash-transcript-api', and writing Python code to fetch and save the transcript text. The script also addresses handling different languages and troubleshooting tips, such as dealing with video IDs that start with a hyphen. The presenter demonstrates the process, including using 'youtube-transcript-api' to get the transcript and then parsing the output to extract the text. The video concludes with an example of how the transcript can be used for natural language processing tasks, like checking for specific words across multiple videos to save time, without the need for manual watching.


  • 📚 Use the last part of the YouTube video URL as the video ID to get the transcript.
  • 🔍 Install the `youtube-transcript-api` via pip or conda to interact with YouTube transcripts programmatically.
  • 💻 If the video ID starts with a hyphen, mask it with a backslash to avoid misinterpretation by the code.
  • 🌐 The API can fetch transcripts in multiple languages by specifying two-letter country codes.
  • 📝 The output is a list of dictionaries that include text and timing information for each subtitle.
  • 🔑 No API key or authentication token is needed to use the `youtube-transcript-api`.
  • 🔍 For NLP tasks, extract the text from the output to work with the actual content rather than metadata.
  • ⏱️ The order of subtitles in the output corresponds to their appearance in the video, following the video's timeline.
  • 📈 The script can be used for efficient content analysis by searching transcripts for specific keywords or phrases.
  • 🌟 The tool can save time by allowing users to quickly scan through multiple video transcripts instead of watching every video.
  • 🔧 The provided code snippet demonstrates how to extract and write the transcript text to a file, ready for further processing.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to get a transcript from a YouTube video?

    -The first step is to get the ID of the YouTube video, which is the last part of the video's URL.

  • How can you handle a video ID that starts with a hyphen in the Python code?

    -If the video ID starts with a hyphen, you should mask the hyphen using a backslash in the Python code.

  • What Python package can be used to get the transcript from a YouTube video?

    -The 'youtube-transcript-api' package can be used for this purpose.

  • How can you specify the language for the transcript if it's available in multiple languages?

    -You can specify the language by using two-letter country codes in the order of priority in which you want the transcript to be fetched.

  • What is the default language for the transcript if no language is specified?

    -The default language for the transcript is English if no language is specified.

  • How can you save the extracted transcript to a text file?

    -After extracting the transcript, you can append the text to a list and then write the text from the list to a new text file, ensuring to include newline characters for each line of the transcript.

  • Can the transcript be used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks?

    -Yes, the extracted text can be used for NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, and creating a bag of words.

  • How can you check if a transcript contains a specific word or phrase?

    -You can search the text of the transcript for specific words or phrases to determine if the content is relevant to your needs.

  • What is the benefit of using the 'youtube-transcript-api' for extracting video transcripts?

    -The benefit is that it automates the process of extracting transcripts, saving time, and it works for any video without needing an API key or auth token.

  • Is there a way to handle proxy settings when using the 'youtube-transcript-api'?

    -While the example provided does not use proxy settings, the API can handle proxies and cookies if needed, which might be useful for accessing videos from locations where YouTube is restricted.

  • How does the 'youtube-transcript-api' handle videos that do not have subtitles available?

    -If a video does not have subtitles available, the API will not return an error but will notify the user that it is not possible to get subtitles for that video.

  • What is the 'CountVectorizer' used for in the context of NLP?

    -CountVectorizer is used to convert a collection of text documents into a matrix of token counts, which can be used for further analysis such as feature extraction.



📚 Automating YouTube Transcripts with Python

The first paragraph introduces the topic of the video, which is about automating the process of obtaining YouTube video transcripts using Python code. It emphasizes the convenience and efficiency of this method over manual transcription or browser extensions, especially when dealing with multiple videos. The speaker, Dr. Pi, outlines the steps to get a video's ID from its URL and how to use the 'youtube-transcript-api' for extracting transcripts. The paragraph also touches on installing the API using pip or conda and handling potential issues like video IDs starting with a backslash.


🔍 Extracting Text and Multilingual Transcripts

The second paragraph delves into the technical details of using the 'youtube-transcript-api' to extract text from video transcripts. It explains how to handle language settings, with a note on using two-letter country codes for specifying different languages. The speaker provides a snippet of code that demonstrates how to extract the text from the API's response, which would otherwise result in a JSON dictionary. The paragraph also mentions the possibility of using NLP techniques like sentiment analysis or part-of-speech tagging on the extracted text.


🚀 Efficient Video Content Analysis

The third paragraph discusses the practical applications of the transcript extraction process. It suggests using transcripts to quickly identify videos that contain specific keywords or topics, thus saving time that would otherwise be spent watching numerous videos. The speaker also reassures that this method is not about circumventing YouTube's rules but rather about making efficient use of time. The paragraph concludes with a live demonstration of the code, showing how it generates a text file from a YouTube video's subtitles.


📝 Scraping YouTube Content and NLP

The fourth and final paragraph shifts the focus to the broader application of scraping content from YouTube, which in this context means downloading videos. It then transitions into a brief exploration of natural language processing (NLP) by using a 'count_vectorizer' to analyze the text from the video transcripts. The speaker demonstrates how to run a simple NLP task to identify unique words and their indices in the transcript. The paragraph wraps up with a summary of the video's purpose, which was inspired by a subscriber's request, and an encouragement for viewers to subscribe and engage with the content.




A transcript is a written version of spoken language, typically derived from a recording of speech. In the context of the video, it refers to the text version of the video's audio content. The transcript is crucial for accessibility, allowing viewers to read along if they prefer or need to. For example, the script mentions, 'transcripts? yeah, okay I can do that!' indicating the process of obtaining a video's transcript.

💡YouTube Video ID

The YouTube Video ID is a unique identifier for each video on the platform, which is part of the video's URL. It is essential for programmatically accessing video data, such as transcripts. The script specifies, 'so the id is the last part of the url of the video that you're watching that you want to get the transcript from.'

💡Python Code

Python code refers to a set of instructions written in the Python programming language, used to perform various tasks, such as data extraction or automation. In the video, Python code is used to automatically retrieve YouTube video transcripts, as shown by the line 'using python code to do this'.

💡NLP (Natural Language Processing)

NLP is a field of computer science and artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human languages. In the script, it is mentioned as a potential application for the extracted transcripts, allowing for analysis such as sentiment analysis or part-of-speech tagging.

💡pip install

pip is a package manager for Python, used to install and manage additional libraries and dependencies. The script instructs viewers to 'pip install youtube-dash-transcript-api' to facilitate the process of fetching video transcripts.


Conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is used for installing software, managing dependencies, and creating isolated environments. The script provides instructions for installing the necessary package using Conda with 'conda install conda-forge/youtube-transcript-api'.

💡API (Application Programming Interface)

An API is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. The video discusses using the 'youtube_transcript_api' to programmatically access YouTube video transcripts without the need for manual copying and pasting.

💡Language Settings

Language settings refer to the options available for specifying the language of the content or interface in a software application or online service. The script mentions the ability to specify different languages for transcripts, using two-letter country codes, such as 'de' for German.

💡Text File

A text file is a computer file that contains plain text, which is a sequence of characters without any formatting. In the video, the Python code is used to save the extracted transcript to a text file, as indicated by 'save it to a text file or we can do some NLP with it if we want'.


CountVectorizer is a feature extraction tool in Python's scikit-learn library, used to convert text documents into a matrix of token counts. The script mentions using it to perform NLP tasks, such as creating a 'matrix of token counts' from the video transcript.


The video demonstrates how to programmatically obtain the transcript of a YouTube video using Python code.

The unique identifier for a YouTube video, needed for the transcript extraction, is the video ID found in the URL.

If the video ID starts with a hyphen, it should be masked with a backslash in the code.

The 'youtube-dash-transcript-api' package is used for transcript extraction, which can be installed via pip or conda.

The 'youtube_transcript_api.get_transcript' function is utilized to fetch the video's subtitles.

The function can handle multiple languages if specified, checking in sequence for the desired language.

The transcript is returned as a list of dictionaries, which need to be processed to extract the text.

The extracted text can be saved to a text file or used for further Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.

The video creator suggests using the method to save time rather than manually copying and pasting subtitles.

The process can be applied to multiple videos to extract transcripts for efficient content analysis or keyword search.

The video demonstrates the use of 'CountVectorizer' for feature extraction from text documents.

The code provided in the video can be used to check for specific phrases across multiple video transcripts.

The video emphasizes that the method is not for hacking or web scraping but for time-saving purposes.

The 'youtube_transcript_api' does not require an API key or auth token, making it accessible for any video.

The video includes a demonstration of running the code to generate a text file from a YouTube video transcript.

The video creator encourages viewers to subscribe and support the channel for more informative content.

The video concludes with a reminder that the method respects YouTube's terms of service and is intended for educational purposes.