We BUILD a Farmhouse Kitchen Island & a Kiwi Supporting Pergola! Transforming our Homestead Spaces

Bailey's Homestead
12 May 202435:36

TLDRIn this video, the creators embark on a two-part project to build a farmhouse kitchen island and a supporting pergola for their kiwi vines. They start by measuring and transforming three large beams into the base of the kitchen island, complete with electrical work and a solid foundation. The next stage involves attaching pre-cut sheets to the exterior. Meanwhile, they tackle the overgrown kiwi vines, clearing brambles and planning a new layout with a pergola for support. They construct the pergola with concrete posts and metal beams, creating a kiwi tunnel for an aesthetic and functional space to enjoy their kiwi harvest. Despite the challenges and hard work, they are pleased with the outcome, showcasing their dedication to transforming their homestead.


  • 🏠 Building a farmhouse kitchen island involves measuring and transforming large beams into the base structure.
  • 🛠️ Electrical work is incorporated into the island, including plugs on each side and securing it to the ground for stability.
  • 🔩 The process includes attaching pre-cut sheets to the exterior, with attention to accessibility for further construction.
  • 🌿 The garden work involves managing kiwi vines, which are delicate and require careful handling during the relocation process.
  • 🌱 Brambles are cleared to make space for the kiwi vines, which are then laid out and organized for better growth.
  • 📐 Large posts are cut down to size for easier handling and to fit within the project's constraints.
  • 🚜 Additional concrete posts are transported and positioned to support the kiwi vines with a wire structure.
  • 🔨 The posts are secured with rubber packing instead of cement to maintain flexibility for future adjustments.
  • 📏 Cabinets underneath the island are measured and marked out for precision fitting, ensuring they don't need to be moved again.
  • 🔩 Metal poles or beams are placed on top of the concrete posts and fastened with wires for a sturdy support system.
  • 🏡 The final result is a kiwi tunnel and an aesthetically pleasing space for enjoying coffee under the kiwi vines.

Q & A

  • What is the main project described in the transcript?

    -The main project described in the transcript is the construction of a farmhouse kitchen island and the creation of a supporting pergola for kiwi vines.

  • What electrical work was done on the island base?

    -Electrical work included installing a plug at each side of the island base and fixing it to the ground to ensure it was solid and level.

  • Why does the narrator decide to pause the kiwi vine project?

    -The narrator decides to pause the kiwi vine project because they have been fighting with brambles all day, are feeling hot, and have had enough for the day.

  • What is the purpose of the pergola for the kiwi vines?

    -The purpose of the pergola is to provide support for the kiwi vines, allowing them to grow in a structured manner and making it easier to pick the kiwis.

  • What materials are used to create the pergola structure?

    -The materials used to create the pergola structure include concrete posts, metal poles or beams, and wires to support the kiwi vines.

  • What challenges did the narrator face while working on the kiwi vine area?

    -The narrator faced challenges such as dealing with a tangle of brambles, intertwined kiwi vines, and the need to move and straighten support posts.

  • How did the narrator approach the task of straightening and positioning the posts for the pergola?

    -The narrator dug holes, carried additional concrete posts from the field below, and planned to run wires across the posts to support the kiwi vines.

  • What was the final outcome of the kiwi vine project?

    -The final outcome of the kiwi vine project was the creation of a kiwi tunnel, which the narrator and others were pleased with, as it turned out better than expected.

  • What additional landscaping was done to support the pergola structure?

    -Additional landscaping included leveling the ground, moving boulders for extra support, and ensuring the ground was even so that everything was firmly in place.

  • What was the narrator's strategy for attaching the metal posts to the concrete?

    -The narrator drilled holes in the top of the concrete posts and cut wires to fasten the metal posts down to the concrete.

  • How did the narrator ensure the kitchen island base was solid and level?

    -The narrator fixed the island base to the ground and leveled it to ensure it was solid and stable.



🏗️ Island Base Construction Begins

The video starts with the construction of an island base. The host talks about catching units and making a start on the island base, mentioning measurements and three big beams that will be transformed into the island's base. The host also discusses the installation of the base, including electrical work with plugs on each side, and fixing it to the ground to ensure it's solid. The next stage involves attaching pre-cut sheets to the outside of the structure, with the current limitation of only being able to work on one side at a time due to the need for access underneath. The host expresses satisfaction with the progress and mentions that the evening's task is to sort out their kiwi.


🌿 Kiwi Vine and Bramble Management

The host describes the work done on the kiwi vine area. Initially, the kiwi vine was allowed to grow freely, resulting in it sprawling over a steep hill. The plan is to redirect the vine's growth in a different direction. The host encounters an original support post tangled with brambles and kiwi vines. The goal is to untangle and clear the area, which involves battling with brambles throughout the day. Due to the heat and exhaustion, the host decides to pause the project, but notes that some progress has been made in opening up the space and laying the kiwi vines along the ground.


🪵 Cutting and Preparing Wood for Structure

The host discusses the process of cutting down large seats (beams) that are too big for their table saw. The beams are resized to be more manageable for use in the project. The focus then shifts to preparing for the next phase of the project, which involves cutting away broom and other vegetation that is supporting the vines. This will allow for a clearer view of the work area and prepare it for the installation of supports.


📍 Planning and Installing Support Posts

The host outlines the plan to insert posts to support the kiwi vines. The intention is to have one post in each specified location, including one that needs to be straightened and another moved to the other side of a small oak tree. The task of carrying additional concrete posts from a field below is mentioned, along with the plan to run wires across these posts for vine support. This will facilitate easier access for picking kiwis in the future.


🏕️ Post Installation and Landscaping

The host details the process of digging holes and installing large posts around the area. Rubber is used to pack around the posts for added sturdiness, avoiding the use of cement due to the presence of rubble. The posts are placed, and the host's husband assists with the task. The video also shows the marking and cutting of boards for cabinets, ensuring a snug fit with no unnecessary gaps. The host emphasizes the importance of precision for a neat finish.


🔩 Assembling the Metal Support Structure

The host describes the next steps in the project, which include attaching metal poles or beams to the concrete posts. Holes have been drilled into the concrete, and wires are cut to fasten the metal structures down. The process of marking the locations for the metal poles and preparing the area for their installation is shown. The host also mentions additional landscaping to level the ground and the discovery of large pieces of slate during the process.


🌱 Completion of the Kiwi Vine Support System

The host concludes the video by showing the completion of the kiwi vine support system, which has resulted in a 'kiwi tunnel'. Despite the work being more extensive than initially expected, the host is pleased with the outcome and enjoys the view from underneath the vines while having a coffee. The final task of attaching the last bit of wire is mentioned, and the host expresses satisfaction with the overall project, including the creation of a sign for 'Kiwi Land'.



💡Farmhouse Kitchen Island

A 'Farmhouse Kitchen Island' is a free-standing piece of furniture that is typically found in the center of a kitchen. It serves as a workspace for food preparation, dining, and often includes storage and seating. In the video, the creators are building their own farmhouse kitchen island, which is a significant part of transforming their homestead spaces. The island base is constructed with large beams and includes electrical work with plugs on each side, illustrating the practical and functional aspect of the project.

💡Kiwi Supporting Pergola

A 'Kiwi Supporting Pergola' is a structure designed to support the growth of kiwi vines, allowing them to climb and bear fruit. Pergolas are often used in gardening to create shaded areas or to provide a framework for plants to grow on. In the script, the project involves building a pergola to support kiwi vines, which is part of the homestead's transformation and adds an aesthetic and functional element to the landscape.


In construction, 'beams' are horizontal or sloping structural members that support the weight in a building or structure. In the context of the video, beams are used as the foundational structure for the kitchen island. The beams are described as 'big' and 'quite big,' indicating their importance and the robustness they bring to the island's construction.

💡Electrical Work

'Electrical Work' refers to the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems. In the video, the narrator mentions doing electrical work in the kitchen island, which includes installing plugs on each side of the island. This is crucial for the functionality of the island, allowing for the use of electrical appliances while cooking or working at the island.

💡Kiwi Vines

A 'kiwi vine' is a climbing plant that produces kiwi fruits. In the video, the creators are working with kiwi vines, aiming to reroute them to grow in a different direction for better support and fruit yield. The script describes the process of untangling the vines from existing supports and planning to install a new pergola to support their growth.


'Brambles' are a collective term for shrubs that bear fruits such as blackberries, raspberries, or other similar plants. In the script, the narrator mentions fighting with brambles, which implies clearing away these thorny plants to make space for the kiwi vines and to improve the structure of the pergola.

💡Concrete Posts

'Concrete Posts' are sturdy vertical supports made from concrete, used in construction and landscaping. In the video, the creators are carrying additional concrete posts from the field below to use as part of the pergola structure. These posts are essential for the stability and strength of the pergola, ensuring that it can support the weight of the kiwi vines.


Landscaping refers to the process of designing, creating, and maintaining outdoor spaces using plants, structures, and other elements. The script mentions leveling the ground and doing some landscaping to make the area under the pergola more even and aesthetically pleasing. This work contributes to the overall transformation of the homestead spaces.


In the context of the video, 'wire' refers to the metal strands or cables used to support the structure of the pergola and to guide the growth of the kiwi vines. The creators mention running wires across the concrete posts to create a framework for the vines to climb on, which is an important step in the construction of the kiwi supporting pergola.


'Cabinets' are pieces of furniture or built-in storage units that are typically used for storing kitchen items, dishes, and food. In the script, the narrator is marking out boards for underneath the cabinets, indicating that the kitchen island will include cabinetry for storage. This is a common feature in kitchen islands, adding both functionality and aesthetic appeal.


Building a farmhouse kitchen island with a solid base and integrated electrical work.

Pre-cut sheets are being used for the exterior of the island base.

The island is fixed to the ground and leveled for stability.

Working on kiwi vines involves a complex of brambles and kiwi intertwining.

Project Kiwi is put on pause due to the intensity of bramble clearing.

Kiwi vines are delicate and require careful handling.

Cutting down large seats to a manageable size for the table saw.

Planning to insert posts and run wires for kiwi vine support.

Carrying additional concrete posts for structural support.

Using rubber padding instead of cement for post stability.

Digging holes and placing large posts for the pergola.

Marking boards for underneath the cabinets for a precise fit.

Cutting and fitting the kickboard for a neat finish.

Installing metal poles or beams on top of concrete posts.

Drilling holes and cutting wires for fastening metal poles.

Landscaping to level the ground and provide a firm base.

Facing a challenge with wire length and improvising with old wire.

Completion of the kiwi tunnel providing an amazing view and a place to enjoy coffee.

Creating a sign for 'Kiwi Land' to mark the new space.