A Day in the Life of a Freelance Translator

The Fish Slappee
3 Feb 202312:58

TLDRThe video offers a glimpse into the daily life of a 30-year-old Swedish freelance translator based in Stockholm. Starting his day with coffee, he shares his routine of working from home, occasionally from a nearby café, and staying connected through Discord to combat loneliness. The translator, who began freelancing in 2017 after a year of full-time Japanese studies, describes his work process, which involves email communication with agencies and choosing projects from a list. He emphasizes the importance of strong writing skills in one's native language and understanding the source language. The video also touches on the financial aspect of freelancing, noting that the pay is good, especially for less-common languages like Swedish. The translator's day includes exercise, lunch, and a discussion about becoming a freelancer, highlighting the necessity of experience or an initial foot in the door. He also humorously introduces a sponsor's AI-driven translation tool, showcasing its capabilities with a text and audio translation. The video concludes with his plans for the rest of the day, which involve streaming a Pokémon playthrough in Japanese on Twitch, furthering his language studies, and socializing at a local pub, highlighting the importance of maintaining a social life as a freelancer.


  • 🔍 The video introduces a 30-year-old Swedish freelance translator living in Stockholm, who has been freelancing since 2017.
  • ☕ The translator starts his day with coffee and goes through his daily routine, which includes watching YouTube or studying Japanese using Anki cards.
  • 📧 Communication with agencies and contacts is done exclusively via email, with no phone or video calls.
  • 📚 The translator's work is done in silence, with occasional background music like The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack for inspiration.
  • 💰 He works about 20 hours a week, which is focused and intense, and finds the pay to be good, especially considering the demand for Swedish translators.
  • 🌐 The translator emphasizes the importance of being good at writing in one's own language and understanding the source language for translation work.
  • 🏋️ He maintains a work-life balance by incorporating exercise into his daily routine.
  • 🍲 The translator's lunchtime is often spent watching YouTube and considering the details of freelance translation work.
  • 🎓 Becoming a freelance translator can be achieved with a background in a relevant field, such as English literature, and experience in the industry.
  • 📈 The video briefly mentions a sponsor, Vormor, and its scan translator tool, which can translate texts into different languages.
  • 🎮 After work, the translator spends time on personal projects like streaming on Twitch and playing games for language immersion.
  • 🥁 The translator also enjoys playing the bass guitar as a form of relaxation.
  • 🍺 Socializing at a local pub is highlighted as an essential part of the translator's day, especially in the absence of colleagues.

Q & A

  • What does the freelance translator do at the beginning of his day?

    -The freelance translator starts his day by making coffee, as his mother appreciates it and believes her children should drink it. He then drinks it while watching YouTube or reviewing his daily Anki cards for Japanese.

  • What is the translator's primary language pair for translation work?

    -The translator primarily translates from English to Swedish.

  • Why does the translator study Japanese, and does he have any professional ambitions with it?

    -The translator studies Japanese for fun and does not have any professional ambitions with the language.

  • How does the translator typically communicate with agencies and contacts?

    -The translator communicates exclusively through emails with agencies and contacts, never using phone or video calls.

  • What is the translator's work environment like?

    -The translator works in complete silence, except for the occasional sound of satisfaction when he successfully translates a sentence.

  • How does the translator handle loneliness while working from home?

    -To combat loneliness, the translator uses Discord to interact with people and join communities of other translators and freelancers.

  • What is the translator's routine for accepting translation projects?

    -The translator reviews his emails, accepts project offers he is interested in, and declines the rest. He also logs onto agency websites to select from a list of available projects.

  • What does the translator usually have playing in the background while working?

    -The translator often has background music or audio playing, such as the soundtrack of 'The Last of the Mohicans', which he finds suitable for the translation work he is doing.

  • How many hours a week does the translator work to maintain his lifestyle?

    -The translator works about 20 hours a week, which is focused and intense work.

  • What is the average hourly rate for the translator's work?

    -The translator's average hourly rate is higher than what he has previously earned working for a company, due to the demand and lower competition for Swedish translations.

  • What advice does the translator give for someone looking to become a freelance translator?

    -The translator suggests that one needs to be good at writing in their own language, understand the source language, and be aware of the rules of their target language. Gaining work experience and having a portfolio can also be beneficial.

  • How does the translator spend his afternoon after finishing his work?

    -After finishing work, the translator often works on videos or Patreon-related content, streams on Twitch, and later goes to a local pub to socialize with friends.



😀 Freelance Translator's Daily Routine

This paragraph introduces the video's subject: a day in the life of a freelance translator. The narrator, a 30-year-old Swedish man living in Stockholm, shares his morning routine of making coffee and studying Japanese using Anki cards. He translates English into Swedish and enjoys studying Japanese for leisure. The narrator's work involves communicating via email, avoiding phone or video calls, and occasionally working from a cafe to combat loneliness. He discusses his work process, including handling emails and project offers, and his preference for background music during work. The paragraph ends with a teaser for common questions about freelancing that will be answered later in the video.


💼 Insights into Freelance Translation and Getting Started

The second paragraph delves into the business side of freelance translation. It discusses the higher rates for less common languages like Swedish, the importance of writing proficiency in one's native language, and the need for understanding language-specific rules. The narrator shares his journey into freelancing, starting with an entry-level job as a QA localizations tester. He suggests that having a portfolio or taking translation courses can be beneficial for aspiring freelance translators. The paragraph also humorously introduces a product, the 'vormore scan translator,' which is an AI-driven pen that can translate text into multiple languages, suggesting it as an alternative to traditional translation skills.


🎮 Afternoon and Evening Activities of a Freelance Translator

The final paragraph outlines the narrator's afternoon and evening activities after completing his work. He engages in activities such as creating content for his Patreon, streaming video games like Pokémon in Japanese on Twitch, and learning new words. The narrator emphasizes the importance of discipline for freelancers but admits to sometimes indulging in leisure activities like playing the bass guitar. He concludes the day by socializing at a local pub, highlighting the significance of maintaining social connections as a freelancer. The video ends with a thank you to viewers and patrons, and an invitation for questions in the comments section.



💡Freelance Translator

A freelance translator is an individual who works independently, offering translation services to clients without being employed by a specific company. In the video, the protagonist identifies himself as a freelance translator working from home, which highlights the flexibility and self-employment aspect of this profession. It is central to the video's theme as it shapes the daily routine and lifestyle of the individual.


Stockholm is the capital city of Sweden and the location where the freelance translator in the video resides. It is mentioned to provide geographical context and to illustrate the cultural and linguistic environment that may influence the translator's work and daily life.

💡Anki Cards

Anki is a flashcard program using spaced repetition to help with memorization. In the video, the translator uses Anki cards to study Japanese, which demonstrates his commitment to continuous learning and professional development, even when not directly related to his current work.


Discord is a communication platform that allows users to chat via text, voice conversations, and video calls. The translator mentions using Discord to socialize and alleviate loneliness, which underscores the importance of community and interaction for remote workers.

💡UI Translation

UI Translation refers to the process of translating user interface elements, such as text in software, websites, or applications. The video mentions the translator working on UI translation strings, which is a specific type of translation work that requires attention to detail and understanding of the context in which the text will appear.

💡The Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack

The soundtrack from the film 'The Last of the Mohicans' is mentioned as a source of background music for the translator while working. It is described as 'suitably epic,' which may suggest the translator's preference for music that energizes and motivates him during his work.


Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip made from cooked, mashed chickpeas. The translator humorously mentions being a big fan of hummus, which adds a personal touch and shows a bit of his personal preferences outside of his professional life.

💡Work-Life Balance

The concept of work-life balance is central to the video, as the translator discusses his flexible work hours and how he manages his time between professional tasks and personal activities like working out, streaming on Twitch, and socializing at a pub. It emphasizes the autonomy and varied lifestyle that freelancing can offer.


Proz.com is a website for translators and interpreters that provides various resources, including average rates for translation per word in different languages. The translator recommends this site for those looking to understand the financial aspect of freelance translation work.

💡Entry-Level Job

An entry-level job is a position that typically requires minimal experience and serves as a starting point for a career. The video's subject started with an entry-level job as a QA localizations tester, which provided him with the foundational experience needed to transition into freelancing.

💡Vormore Scan Translator

Vormore Scan Translator is a hypothetical AI-driven device mentioned in the video as a sponsor. It is portrayed as a tool that can scan and translate text into multiple languages, symbolizing the technological advancements that can simplify the translation process for freelancers.


Twitch is a live streaming platform often used for gaming content. The translator uses Twitch to stream a Pokémon playthrough in Japanese, which is an example of how he integrates his personal interests with his professional skills and shares his language learning journey with an audience.


A day in the life of a freelance translator includes a mix of work and personal activities, showcasing the flexibility of freelance work.

The translator is a 30-year-old Swedish man based in Stockholm, specializing in English to Swedish translations.

He started freelancing in 2017 after a year of full-time Japanese studies and has been a freelancer since.

His daily routine begins with making coffee, a ritual important to his mother and a personal preference.

He studies Japanese for enjoyment using Anki cards while sipping coffee and watching YouTube.

Communication with agencies and contacts is done exclusively through email, avoiding phone or video calls.

He works from home most days but occasionally works from a local café to break the routine.

Loneliness is managed by engaging with others on Discord, a platform where he also interacts with other translators and freelancers.

His work process involves reviewing emails, accepting project offers, and choosing from a list of projects on agency websites.

Background music, such as the soundtrack of 'The Last of the Mohicans', is used to enhance the translation experience.

The translator emphasizes the importance of being good at writing in one's native language for successful freelancing.

Having a BA in English literature and being Swedish were key factors in starting his freelance career.

He suggests that anyone can become a freelance translator with the right language skills and an understanding of the target language.

His workweek consists of about 20 hours of intense, focused work, providing him with the freedom to manage his own schedule.

The pay for freelance translators varies by project and language, with Swedish translations commanding higher rates due to lower competition.

He recommends proz.com for researching average rates per word for different languages.

Maintaining a work-life balance includes regular workouts, cooking, and leisure activities like playing bass and streaming on Twitch.

Discipline is crucial for freelancers, and he admits to sometimes prioritizing social and leisure activities over work.

Networking and socializing with friends at a local pub are essential for a freelancer's well-being and social life.