Learn How To Transcribe For Beginners In 2023 (Practice for Free)

Transcription Pro
29 Jan 202317:05

TLDRThis week's video is an informative guide on transcription for beginners. The host explains what transcription entails, which is the conversion of audio or video recordings into text. They introduce X Express Scribe software and a foot pedal for efficient transcription, and emphasize the importance of attentive listening, fast typing speed, and good grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills. The video outlines two main types of transcription: full verbatim and clean verbatim. It also covers various transcription job types, including general, medical, and legal. The host provides resources for practice, such as typingtest.com and scribe.com, and suggests using the free version of Express Scribe or a foot pedal to enhance the transcription process. The summary also mentions boxstab.com for additional practice with different types of audio transcriptions. The video is a comprehensive starting point for those interested in transcription work.


  • πŸ˜€ Transcription is the process of converting audio or video recordings of conversations or speeches into text.
  • πŸ” A useful tool for transcription is Express Scribe, an audio player software designed for transcribers that uses keyboard shortcuts for efficient audio/video control.
  • 🎧 An alternative to software is a foot pedal, which allows hands-free control of audio/video playback to focus on typing.
  • πŸ‘‚ Key skills for transcription include attentive listening, especially to understand various accents and speech patterns.
  • ⌨️ A fast typing speed is essential for efficient transcription work, and websites like typingtest.com can help improve typing skills.
  • πŸ“ Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation are crucial as clients usually do not hire additional editors to review the transcribed work.
  • πŸ“‘ There are two main types of transcription: full verbatim, which includes every spoken word, and clean verbatim, which omits filler words for a cleaner text.
  • πŸ₯ Transcription jobs can be categorized into general, medical, and legal, each with its own specific requirements and instructions.
  • πŸ” Practice transcription skills using websites like scribe.com, which offers practice files to improve before applying for real jobs.
  • πŸ”— Another resource for practice is boxstab.com, providing a variety of audio files for different types of transcription services.
  • πŸ“š After practicing, compare your transcriptions with the provided examples to evaluate your accuracy and identify areas for improvement.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is to explain what transcription is, how to get started, and to provide resources for practicing transcription skills before applying for real jobs.

  • What is transcription according to the video?

    -Transcription is the process of taking an audio or video recording of a conversation or speech and converting it into text.

  • What software is mentioned in the video to assist with transcription?

    -The software mentioned in the video to assist with transcription is called Express Scribe.

  • What are keyboard hotkeys and how do they help in transcription?

    -Keyboard hotkeys are shortcuts on the keyboard that allow for quick actions without using the mouse. In transcription, they help control the audio or video playback, such as playing, pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding, which helps maintain typing flow.

  • What is an alternative to keyboard hotkeys mentioned in the video?

    -An alternative to keyboard hotkeys mentioned in the video is a foot pedal, also known as a foot controller, which allows you to control audio/video playback with your foot.

  • What are some important skills and requirements for a transcriber?

    -Some important skills and requirements for a transcriber include attentive listening, fast typing speed, and good grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills.

  • What website is recommended in the video to practice typing skills?

    -The website recommended in the video to practice typing skills is typingtest.com.

  • What are the two main types of transcription mentioned in the video?

    -The two main types of transcription mentioned in the video are full verbatim and clean verbatim.

  • What is the difference between full verbatim and clean verbatim transcription?

    -In full verbatim transcription, you type out everything that you hear, including filler words and pauses. In clean verbatim transcription, you remove filler words and make the transcript look as clean as possible.

  • What are some examples of the types of transcription jobs mentioned in the video?

    -Some examples of the types of transcription jobs mentioned in the video include general transcriptions (like interviews and podcasts), medical transcriptions (typing out doctors' notes), and legal transcriptions (transcribing court proceedings).

  • What websites are provided in the video for practicing transcription skills?

    -The websites provided in the video for practicing transcription skills are scribe.com and boxstab.com.

  • How does the practice file process work on scribe.com as described in the video?

    -The practice file process on scribe.com involves previewing the audio quality and accents, selecting the easiest one, using keyboard shortcuts to listen and type, repeating the process for the rest of the file, and submitting the transcript for comparison with their version.

  • What kind of audio files can be found on boxstab.com for transcription practice?

    -On boxstab.com, you can find a variety of audio files for transcription practice, including legal, business, market research, interviews, academic, podcasts, and medical transcription.



πŸ“ Introduction to Transcription and Getting Started

The video begins with a greeting and an introduction to the topic of transcription. The speaker addresses common questions about transcription and outlines the purpose of the video, which is to explain what transcription is and to provide resources for beginners to practice their skills. The importance of using transcription software like Express Scribe is emphasized, along with its features and benefits for transcribers. The video also mentions the use of a foot pedal as an alternative to keyboard shortcuts for controlling audio playback. Lastly, the necessity of having good quality headphones for accurate listening is highlighted.


πŸŽ“ Skills and Tools for Successful Transcription

This paragraph delves into the skills and experience required to be a good transcriber. Attentive listening is crucial, especially when dealing with recordings that have thick accents or multiple speakers. Typing speed is also important, as faster typists can complete work more efficiently and increase earnings. The speaker recommends typingtest.com for those looking to improve their typing skills. Additionally, having strong grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills is emphasized, as clients often expect a clean, edited transcript. The paragraph concludes with a brief overview of the different types of transcription jobs, such as general, medical, and legal transcription, each with its own set of instructions and requirements.


πŸ–₯️ Practicing Transcription with Scribe's Practice Files

The speaker guides viewers on how to practice transcription using Scribe's practice files. The process involves previewing audio files, using keyboard shortcuts to control playback, and typing out what is heard. The importance of understanding each website's guidelines is stressed, as well as the fact that the practice files may not fully represent the difficulty of actual job files. The speaker provides instructions on using the Scribe website, including how to access practice files, navigate through the process of previewing and transcribing, and submit the completed transcript for evaluation. The evaluation process is designed to help users assess their accuracy and improve their skills.


🌐 Additional Practice and Resources for Transcription

The final paragraph introduces Boxfish.com as another platform for practicing transcription skills. The speaker explains how to navigate the site to access various types of audio files for practice, including legal, business, interview, academic, and medical transcription samples. The paragraph also covers how to download audio files, use transcription software like Express Scribe or a foot pedal to transcribe them, and then compare the user's transcript with provided versions to gauge accuracy and improvement. The speaker encourages viewers to practice with all available files to prepare for real transcription jobs and to subscribe to the channel for more content on transcription opportunities.




Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written form. In the context of the video, it refers to the act of turning audio or video recordings of conversations or speeches into text. This is the central theme of the video, as the host explains what transcription is and provides guidance on how to get started in this field. For example, the script mentions, 'a transcription is the process of taking an audio or video recording of a conversation or speech and converting it into text'.

πŸ’‘X Express Scribe

X Express Scribe is a software tool designed to assist in the transcription process. It is an audio player software specifically made for transcribers, which uses keyboard shortcuts to control the audio or video playback. This tool is highlighted in the video as a means to increase efficiency and speed in transcription work. The script gives examples of keyboard shortcuts, such as 'F4 is used to stop the audio' and 'F9 is to play', demonstrating how these shortcuts can help transcribers focus on typing without constantly reaching for the mouse.

πŸ’‘Foot Pedal

A foot pedal, also known as a wave pedal, is a device used in transcription to control audio or video playback with the foot. This allows the transcriber's hands to remain on the keyboard, thus improving typing efficiency. The video script mentions the foot pedal as an alternative to keyboard shortcuts, stating that 'a foot pedal is a device that allows you to rewind, pause, or play audio/video files with your foot'.

πŸ’‘Attentive Listening

Attentive listening is a skill emphasized in the video as crucial for a transcriber. It involves not just hearing the audio but carefully discerning what is being said, even when dealing with thick accents or multiple speakers. The script points out that 'attentive listening' is necessary because 'sometimes you may get files that have very thick accents', which requires the transcriber to focus intently to accurately transcribe the content.

πŸ’‘Typing Speed

Typing speed is the rate at which a person can type accurately on a keyboard. The video highlights the importance of having a fast typing speed for transcription work, as it can significantly increase productivity and earnings. The script mentions that 'a fast typing speed will help you just speed up your work' and suggests a website, typingtest.com, for those who wish to improve their typing skills.

πŸ’‘Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation are essential skills for a transcriber, as they ensure the quality and readability of the transcribed text. The video script states that 'you need to have good grammar spelling and punctuation skills' because clients typically do not hire an additional editor to review the work, implying that the transcriber must ensure the text is error-free.

πŸ’‘Full Verbatim

Full verbatim transcription involves typing out everything that is heard in the audio, including filler words like 'um', 'uh', and 'yeah'. The video script explains that for full verbatim transcription, 'you are told to type out everything that you hear', which means that every spoken word, even those that might be considered less important, is included in the final transcript.

πŸ’‘Clean Verbatim

Clean verbatim transcription is the opposite of full verbatim; it involves removing filler words and making the transcript look as clean as possible. The video script describes clean verbatim as a type where 'you have to remove all that making the transcript look as clean as possible', which means that repeated phrases and filler words are omitted to present a more polished document.

πŸ’‘General Transcription

General transcription refers to the transcription of various types of audio content that do not require specialized knowledge, such as interviews, podcasts, and YouTube videos. The video script mentions 'General transcriptions' as a category that includes 'interviews, podcasts, just about any audio', indicating the broad range of materials that can be transcribed under this category.

πŸ’‘Medical and Legal Transcription

Medical and legal transcriptions are specialized types of transcription that involve transcribing content from the medical and legal fields, respectively. The video script specifies 'medical transcription' as involving the typing of doctors' notes and 'legal transcriptions' as involving court proceedings. These types of transcription often require adherence to specific guidelines and instructions.

πŸ’‘Practice Files

Practice files are audio or video recordings provided for transcribers to hone their skills before working on actual paid projects. The video script encourages viewers to use 'practice files' available on scribe.com to 'practice [their] skills before [they] apply to the real job'. These files help new transcribers to become familiar with the process and improve their accuracy.


Transcription is the process of converting audio or video recordings into text.

X Express Scribe is a software that assists in transcription with keyboard shortcuts for audio/video control.

A foot pedal can be used as an alternative to hands-free control of audio/video playback.

Good quality headphones or earphones are essential for accurate transcription.

Attentive listening is crucial for transcribing files with thick accents or multiple speakers.

Fast typing speed is necessary to maximize productivity in transcription jobs.

Typingtest.com is a resource to practice and improve typing speed.

Transcribers need strong grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills as they often serve as the first and last editor.

Full verbatim transcription includes all spoken words, including filler words.

Clean verbatim transcription omits filler words for a more polished final document.

General transcription covers a wide range of audio types, including interviews and podcasts.

Medical and legal transcriptions often require adherence to specific guidelines and instructions.

Scribe.com offers practice files to help beginners improve their transcription skills.

Boxstab.com provides various types of audio files for transcription practice, including legal, business, and medical.

Transcription practice files are available with different accents and difficulty levels.

Upon submission, a comparison with the provided transcript helps evaluate accuracy.

Using a supported web browser and following specific guidelines are important for effective practice.

Actual test files for transcription jobs are typically more challenging than practice files.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Scribe.com and Boxstab.com for transcription practice.