Learn To Transcribe for FREE

Tess Ogamba
26 Apr 202214:49

TLDRThis video offers three free methods to learn transcription skills without the need for paid courses. The first method involves using Scribbly's practice section, where beginners can practice and receive feedback on their work. The second method suggests using old tests from GoTranscript to familiarize oneself with real test conditions. Lastly, the video recommends using Books Tab Foxtab's samples to practice various types of transcriptions. The video also highlights the importance of following guidelines and practicing extensively to improve accuracy and increase the chances of passing transcription tests.


  • πŸ˜€ Scribbly's practice section is a free resource for learning transcription.
  • πŸ“ To access Scribbly's practice files, navigate to the 'Careers' section and click on 'Practice Files'.
  • 🎧 Use the audio files provided to practice by playing and pausing with F10, and typing what you hear.
  • πŸ” After submission, your transcript will be compared with Scribbly's version to identify errors and areas for improvement.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Consider professional training from Wingo Digital Training for additional skills in transcription and other freelancing areas.
  • πŸ”— Use the link in the description to sign up for a free webinar training from Wingo Digital Training.
  • 🌐 Ensure you use a supported browser like the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for the best experience.
  • πŸ“š Practice files on Scribbly are not representative of the actual test files, which are harder, so take the practice seriously.
  • πŸ“‘ Code Transcript offers old tests for practice, which can help you understand common mistakes and improve your skills.
  • πŸ“ˆ Books Tab Foxtab provides a variety of transcription samples across different fields for practice.
  • 🎯 After practicing on these platforms, you are more likely to pass a transcription test due to the hands-on experience and familiarity with the process.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is teaching viewers how to learn transcription for free without having to pay for an online course or any sort of training.

  • What are the three platforms mentioned in the video for learning transcription for free?

    -The three platforms mentioned are Scribbly's practice section, GoTranscript, and Books Tab.

  • How does Scribbly's practice section help in learning transcription?

    -Scribbly's practice section allows users to listen to audio files and type what they hear, providing immediate feedback on mistakes and corrections, which helps in improving transcription skills.

  • What is the importance of using a supported browser when using Scribbly's practice section?

    -Using a supported browser like the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox ensures compatibility and optimal performance of the Scribbly platform for practicing transcription.

  • What is the role of guidelines in the transcription process as discussed in the video?

    -Guidelines are crucial as they provide the rules and standards that transcribers must follow when transcribing audio files. They help maintain consistency and accuracy in the transcription output.

  • How can one access the practice files on Scribbly?

    -To access the practice files on Scribbly, one needs to navigate to the 'Careers' section, scroll down to 'Home Based Transcriber' or 'Remote', click on 'Apply', and then select 'Practice Files'.

  • What does the video suggest about the difficulty level of actual test files compared to the practice files?

    -The video suggests that actual test files are much harder than the practice files provided for learning and practicing transcription.

  • How does GoTranscript help in learning transcription for free?

    -GoTranscript offers old transcription tests that users can work on to practice their skills. After completing these tests, users can see the mistakes they made, which helps in learning and improving their transcription abilities.

  • What are the different types of transcription services and samples provided by Books Tab?

    -Books Tab provides samples of various types of transcription services including legal, business, market research, interviews, academic, insurance, media, and medical transcripts.

  • How can one use Books Tab to improve their transcription skills?

    -One can download the audio files from Books Tab, transcribe them, and then compare their transcription with the provided samples such as verbatim transcripts, clean transcripts, or transcripts with speaker identification and timestamps.

  • What is the significance of practicing with different accents and fields as mentioned in the video?

    -Practicing with different accents and fields helps transcribers to become versatile and capable of handling a wide range of transcription tasks, which is a valuable skill in the transcription industry.



πŸ“ Learning Transcription for Free with Scribbly's Practice Section

This paragraph introduces a method to learn transcription for free using Scribbly's practice section. The speaker navigates the platform to demonstrate how to access practice files, which are audio clips meant for transcription practice. The instructions provided include using specific keyboard shortcuts (F10 to play/pause, F7 to go back, and F12 to insert blanks for inaudible parts). The platform automatically starts a spell check upon submission and compares the user's transcript with the correct version, highlighting errors and corrections. The speaker also mentions the importance of following Scribbly's guidelines for transcription and the benefit of receiving free feedback on one's work.


🎧 Practicing with Various Accents and Guidelines on Scribbly and Code Transcript

The speaker discusses the importance of practicing transcription with a variety of accents, as provided by Scribbly, to become a versatile transcriber. They emphasize the need to follow the platform's guidelines, as the practice files are meant to simulate real-world transcription tasks. The paragraph also covers how to access and use old transcription tests from Code Transcript to further improve transcription skills. These tests, once completed, provide feedback on mistakes, helping users to learn from their errors. The speaker stresses the significance of adhering to the guidelines for both platforms to ensure that the practice is effective and aligns with professional standards.


πŸ“š Utilizing Books Tab for Diverse Transcription Practice

In this paragraph, the speaker suggests using the Books Tab as a resource for diverse transcription practice. They explain that the platform offers samples of different types of transcription services, such as legal, business, and medical transcripts. Users can download audio files and corresponding transcripts to practice transcribing various fields. The speaker advises downloading the audio and transcripts, transcribing the audio, and then comparing the user's work with the provided transcripts. This method allows users to learn how to transcribe in different styles, such as verbatim, clean read, speaker identification, and timestamping, without investing in formal training.




Transcribe refers to the process of converting spoken language into written form. In the context of the video, it is the primary skill being discussed and taught. The script mentions several platforms where one can practice transcribing, emphasizing the importance of this skill for aspiring transcribers. For example, the video describes how to use Scribbly's practice section to listen to audio files and type out what is heard.

πŸ’‘Practice Section

A practice section, as mentioned in the video, is a part of a platform where users can hone their skills without the pressure of a formal test or job requirement. The script specifically refers to Scribbly's practice section, which allows users to access audio files and transcribe them to improve their skills. This is a key resource for individuals looking to learn transcribing for free.

πŸ’‘Mistakes and Corrections

Mistakes and corrections are integral to the learning process highlighted in the video. The script explains that after transcribing an audio file, the platform will compare the user's work with the correct transcript, showing errors in red and corrections in green. This visual feedback is crucial for learners to understand their weaknesses and improve their transcribing accuracy.

πŸ’‘Free Webinar Training

Free webinar training is a type of online educational session that viewers can access at no cost. The video mentions Wingo Digital Training, which offers such webinars to teach valuable skills like transcription, captioning, article writing, and more. This is an alternative method for individuals to learn transcribing and other freelancing skills without incurring expenses.

πŸ’‘Transcription Guidelines

Transcription guidelines are a set of rules or instructions that dictate how a transcript should be formatted and structured. The script emphasizes the importance of following these guidelines when practicing on platforms like GoTranscript and Scribbly. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that the practice aligns with professional standards and increases the likelihood of passing actual transcription tests.

πŸ’‘Verbatim Transcription

Verbatim transcription involves transcribing speech exactly as it is spoken, including every word, pause, and inflection. The video script mentions different types of transcription services, such as clean verbatim, which is a key concept for those learning to transcribe. Verbatim transcription is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the spoken word in written form.

πŸ’‘Speaker Identification

Speaker identification is the process of clearly marking and distinguishing between different speakers in a transcript. The video script provides examples of different transcript types, such as those with speaker identification, which is important for clarity and understanding the flow of conversation in a transcript.

πŸ’‘Inaudible Parts

Inaudible parts refer to sections of audio that are too quiet or unclear to be transcribed accurately. The script instructs viewers to use the F12 key to insert a blank for these parts, indicating that the audio is not discernible. This is a standard practice in transcribing to denote areas that cannot be accurately captured in writing.

πŸ’‘Clean Transcript

A clean transcript is a final, polished version of a transcription that has been edited for clarity, grammar, and punctuation. The video script contrasts this with the initial verbatim transcription, indicating that a clean transcript is the end goal after editing and proofreading the initial draft.


Accuracy in transcribing refers to how closely the written transcript matches the spoken audio. The script mentions that a high level of accuracy, ideally around 99% or 100%, is required to pass transcription tests and be accepted as a professional transcriber. This highlights the importance of precision and attention to detail in the field of transcription.


Learn to transcribe for free without paying for an online course or training.

Three ways to learn transcription for free are revealed in the video.

Use Scribbly's practice section on the script platform to improve transcription skills.

Follow the instructions on Scribbly to preview audio, play and pause with F10, and type what you hear.

Indicate inaudible parts in the audio by pressing F12.

Transcription is typing what you hear in an audio recording.

Scribbly automatically starts spell check on submission.

Scribbly compares your transcript with their version to show differences and help evaluate accuracy.

Wingo Digital Training offers professional transcription training.

Use a supported browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for Scribbly.

Practice files on Scribbly are not representative of actual test files, which are harder.

Transcribe according to Scribbly's guidelines for accurate practice.

Code Transcript offers old test files for free transcription practice.

Follow guidelines before starting transcription tests on Code Transcript.

Books Tab Foxtab provides transcription samples for various fields to practice.

Download audio and transcripts from Books Tab Foxtab to compare your work with professional ones.

Practice with all three platforms for better results in transcription.

After practicing, you are likely to pass a transcription test due to the skills acquired.